NameQueen's Champion
Awards FromAaron MacGregor III and Vanessa de Verona II
Name Award Notes
Jaquelinne de la Riviere Guardian o/t Queen's Hope Vanessa II
Ingve of York Queen's Champion Vanessa II
Jaymes Fenn Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Ulf Nach dem Tor Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Adena Terrickdoutter Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Adelheid Lilje Award of Arms
Lucas Mor mac Raghnaill Award of Arms
Sebastiana Gerynot Fanelli Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Rapier Combat
Dyryke Stanley White Scarf of Ansteorra, Order o/t (grant)
Therese Maria Giovanni White Scarf of Ansteorra, Order o/t (grant)
Ayesha de Warwick Court Barony