Awards FromJean Paul de Sens III and Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise III
Name Award Notes
Alicia McCarteigh Award of Arms
Collum McCartaigh Award of Arms
Naseem Al Jafar Award of Arms
Jessy Bella Waters Sable Comet, Award o/t Chemin Noir
Diego de Bracamonte Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Rapier Combat
Twitch Simmons Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Cut and Thrust
Adalia VonderBerg Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Costuming
Francesca di Lucca Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Lampwork
Jael Magnasdottir Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Culinary arts
Koke Gan Star of Merit, Order o/t