Calon Tourney - Out of kingdom (1979-09-01)
Elf Stomp - Stargate (1979-09-01)
First Baronial Court - Bryn Gwlad (1979-08-18)
Bardic Workshop - Namron (1979-08-11)
Coronation of Willow I & Ball - Stargate (1979-07-14)
Coronation of Jonathan I - Elfsea (1979-06-16)
Coronet step down - Elfsea (1979-06-16)
1st Ansteorran Crown Tournament - Bryn Gwlad (1979-05-12)
Countess Willow's War with the Middle - Middle Kingdom (1979-04-07)
Tournament of Chivalry - Stargate (1979-03-10)
Candlemas - Bryn Gwlad (1979-02-24)
unknown event - Bordermarch (1979-02-10)
unknown event - unknown (1979-01-13)
Steppes Twelfth Night - Steppes (1979-01-06)
Yule? - unknown (1978-12-16)
Coronation of 3rd P&P of Ansteorra (& Yule?) - Stargate? (1978-12-09)
3rd Ansteorra Coronet Tourney & Tournament of the Queen's Grace - Bjornsborg (1978-11-25)
2nd Principality Coronation - unknown (1978-05-20)
May Day Celebration - Stargate (1978-05-07)
2nd Coronet Tourney - unknown (1978-04-15)