Triumphe of the Eclipse - Mooneschadowe (2014-09-20)
Laurel's Prize Tourney - Loch Soilleir (2014-09-13)
Collision of Caravans - Adlersruhe (2014-09-06)
Once Upon A Time...in Agincourt *No awards given* - Rosenfeld (2014-09-06)
Bonwicke's Champion - Bonwicke (2014-08-30)
Elfsea Baronial College - Elfsea (2014-08-23)
Steppes Artisan - Steppes (2014-08-16)
Pennsic War XLIII - Out of Kingdom (2014-08-07)
Heraldic & Scribal Symposium - Steppes (2014-08-02)
Crown Tournament - Ansteorra (2014-07-12)
King's College - Hellsgate (2014-06-14)
Emerald Tourney - Emerald Keep (2014-06-07)
Grand Assembly of Archers - Eldern Hills (2014-06-07)
Eldern Baronial - Eldern Hills (2014-05-31)
Steppes Warlord - Steppes (2014-05-24)
Castellan - Northkeep (2014-05-17)
Guardian of the Tor - Dragonsfire Tor (2014-05-17)
Queen's Champion - Steppes (2014-05-10)
Beltane - Namron (2014-05-03)
Loch Soilleir/Stargate Equestrian Championship - Loch Soilleir (2014-05-03)