Steppes Warlord - Steppes (1994-05-28)
Loch Soilleir Guardian - Loch Soilleir (1994-05-21)
Beltane Games - Namron (1994-05-14)
North Sea Raids - Raven's Fort (1994-05-14)
Crown Tournament - Bordermarch (1994-05-07)
Guardian of the Tor - Dragonsfire Tor (1994-04-30)
Squires Invitational - Stargate (1994-04-30)
Castellan - Northkeep (1994-04-23)
Quest for the Clover - Raven's Fort (1994-04-16)
Springfaire - Elfsea (1994-04-16)
Gulf War III - Ansteorra (1994-03-19)
Tourney o' the Green - Loch Wyndt (1994-03-19)
Tourney de Lyonesse - Bjornsborg (1994-03-13)
Ice Axe - Middleford (1994-03-05)
Northern Regional Salute - all Northern groups (1994-02-26)
Queen's Champion - Middleford (1994-02-12)
Candlemas - Bryn Gwlad (1994-02-05)
Bonwicke 12th Night - Bonwicke (1994-01-29)
Siege of the Abbey - Seawinds (1994-01-29)
Coronation step-down - Steppes (1994-01-22)