Five Star Tourney - Stargate (1988-09-10)
War with the Outlands - Adlersruhe (1988-09-03)
Queen's Champion - Bjornsborg (1988-08-27)
Elfsea Defender - Elfsea (1988-08-13)
Coronation step-down - Namron (1988-07-23)
Coronation step-up - Namron (1988-07-23)
10th Eldern Tourney - Eldern Hills (1988-07-16)
Baronial A&S - Stargate (1988-07-16)
King's College - Steppes (1988-07-09)
Interkingdom Peace - Northkeep (1988-07-03)
Baronial Championships - Stargate (1988-06-11)
Academy of the Rapier - Loch Soilleir (1988-06-04)
Steppes Warlord - Steppes (1988-05-28)
Crown Tournament - Middleford (1988-05-14)
Guardian VII Tourney - Loch Soilleir (1988-04-30)
Spring Wedding Festival - Bjornsborg (1988-04-16)
Baronial Championships - Bryn Gwlad (1988-04-09)
Defender of the Heirs Tourney - Black Lake (1988-03-26)
Queen's Champion - Eldern Hills (1988-03-12)
Tournament of the Lions - Bjornsborg (1988-03-05)