NameSigmund the Wingfooted
Other Names
Preferred Title
BranchLoch Soilleir
ID for AMP4266
Registrations Name: Device:
Award Date Notes
Award of Arms 1979-03-10
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate) 1979-03-10
Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 1979-11-17 Bardcraft
County 1981-07-18 Jarl
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society 1981-07-18
Queen's Champion 1981-08-30 Elzasif I
Star of Merit, Order o/t 1982-01-30
White Scarf of Ansteorra, Order o/t (grant) 1982-02-06
Laurel, Order o/t 1982-07-10
Astral Clarion, Order o/t (the Stargate) 1983-03-19
Duchy 1983-09-04
Pelican, Order o/t 1986-04-12
Augmentation of Arms 1987-07-25
Lions of Ansteorra; Defender o/t Dream 1989-12-09 Patrick I & Julia I
Sodality o/t Sentinels o/t Stargate 1990-08-04
King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 1991-01-26 Patrick II
Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 1991-07-13 Rowan III
Sable Comet, Award o/t 1995-12-09 all Shires
Knight o/t Sable Garland 1997-01-18
King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 1998-03-13 Jean Richard II