Award of Arms (AoA)
Knight o/t Sable Garland (SAG)
Amicitia of Ansteorra (AA)
Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra (AQUILA)
Augmentation of Arms (Aug)
Consort's Blade of Honor (*CBH*)
Crown's Favor of Ansteorra (closed 7/20/2002) (CFA*)
Golden Bridge of Ansteorra, Award o/t (AGBA)
Golden Bridle of Ansteorra (GBA)
Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t (GSA)
Guardian o/t Consort's Hope (*GCH*)
Guardian o/t King's Dream (*GKD*)
Guardian o/t Queen's Hope (*GQHope*)
Guardian o/t Queen's Hunt (*GQHunt*)
Guardian o/t Sovereign's Dream (*GSD*)
Guardian o/t Sovereign's Inspiration (*GSI*)
King's Archer of Ansteorra (KAA)
King's Blade of Chivalry (*KBC*)
King's Champion (*KC*)
Kingdom Artisan (*KArt*)