NameCoronet Tourney
BranchEldern Hills
Awards FromSven Randullsson IV and Antigone of York III
Dafydd Whitacre and Octavia de Verdon
Romanius Vesperianus II and Deanna della Penna II
Name Award Notes
Áshildr inn Hárfagri Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Caterina Giovanni Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Cera ingen Fhaelain Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Eadwyn Gathyrde Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Francesca di Lucca Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Hrefna Gunnars dottir Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Ian the Grene Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Isaac Bane Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Lillias MacGuffin Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Séigíne Brecc Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Thomas de Groet Goutte de Vin of Vindheim, Award o/t
Jean Paul de Sens Hawk's Wing of Vindheim, Order o/t
Micauley Morison Hawk's Wing of Vindheim, Order o/t
Romanius Vesperianus Hawk's Wing of Vindheim, Order o/t
Skeggi berbeinn Sebbason ins sterka Hawk's Wing of Vindheim, Order o/t
Adalia VonderBerg Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Cera ingen Fhaelain Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Geoffrey de Gournay Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Isaac Bane Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Jean Paul de Sens Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Michelle Chantal de Charente Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Sævarr Máni Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Thomas de Groet Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah Key of Keys of Vindheim, Award o/t
Alexandre Crane Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Ása in blinda Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Caterina Giovanni Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Emmelina de Medeland Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Isabella Coppola Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Kajira Camber Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Koia Karasova Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Koke Gan Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Kormakr Mikjallson Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Lorenzo Baglioni d'Aosta Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Malkyn Hawke Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Marcus von Fürth Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Megan Flower del Wal Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Miklos Nemeth Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Myfanwy ferch Eifion Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Nicaize Maupetit Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Orlando Giovanni Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Rafe Slater Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Ranulph de Saint Clair Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Robert de Bray Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Sabine Lefevre d'Armagnac Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Sarah Fynn Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Silvana Corwin Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Skeggi berbeinn Sebbason ins sterka Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Sonja Ryzaja Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Sorcha McCullogh Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Taidhgin O'Quinn Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Thomas Barnhardt Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Turpin Tyme Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Vincenti da Murano Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
William Cameron de Blakstan Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Yzabeau Brossier Key of Vindheim, Award o/t
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe Thunderbolt of Vindheim, Award o/t
Thomas de Groet Thunderbolt of Vindheim, Award o/t
Taidhgin O'Quinn Vindheim Chivalric Champion
Megan Flower del Wal Wellspring of Vindheim, Order o/t
Brendan of Wiesenfeuer Lyra Aurea of Ansteorra
Thaddaeus Starr Sable Sparrow, Award o/t
Kristy of Wiesenfeuer Award of Arms
Magnús Skógr Award of Arms
Mani Tofa Mikkelsdottir Award of Arms
Siegmund Von Wurtzberg Award of Arms
Elena Darcy Sable Comet, Award o/t Brad Leah
Mani Tofa Mikkelsdottir Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Vaduny Cel Tradat Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Ayesha de Warwick Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Jewelry making
Bethesda Starr Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Weaving
Isabella Coppola Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Costuming
Rinalda Dagunet Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Painting
Sorcha McCullogh Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Bardic
Orlando Giovanni Iris of Merit, Order o/t
Stigandr Houlegate Iris of Merit, Order o/t
Marcus von Fürth Defense, Order of