NameWar of Ages
BranchFfynnon Gath
Awards FromGabriel of Maccuswell I and Sonja Ryzaja I
Name Award Notes
Rashid din Abdullah Al-Wafa-Al-Asadi Sable Falcon of Ansteorra
Illyssa of Ansteorra Award of Arms
Rhona of Ansteorra Award of Arms
Roric Rainerson Award of Arms
Tara of Ansteorra Award of Arms
Vlad Dragomier Award of Arms
Edmund der Saxon Sable Comet, Award o/t Ffynnon Gath
Enneleyn Phye Heydewolff Sable Comet, Award o/t Ffynnon Gath
Lazarus Heydewolff van Robel Sable Comet, Award o/t Ffynnon Gath
Mariana Garcia Sable Comet, Award o/t Ffynnon Gath
Zena de la Roche Sable Comet, Award o/t Ffynnon Gath
Daitaro Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Chivalric Combat
Wilhelm of Bellatrix Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Chivalric Combat
Ilariia Shachastnogovichna Star of Merit, Order o/t