NameSable Falcon of Ansteorra
Name Date Notes
Tedrick von Wolfschatten 1982-09-18
Elzasif O'Donnell 1982-10-09
Harold Olafsson 1982-10-09
Beathan McMullen 1982-10-30
Kane Ilwain Stormsinger 1982-10-30
Hrothgar of Farley 1982-11-13
Sean de Carew 1982-11-14
Arthur of the Fen 1983-01-22
Gerard MacEanruig 1983-01-22
Hildebrand von Tiel 1984-03-03
Jurdi Throndsson 1984-06-09
Arenvald Kief av Kiersted 1985-08-03
Fahd Lonewolf 1985-10-12
Brianna ny Oran 1986-03-08
Inman MacMoore 1986-03-08
Rowan Beatrice von Kampfer 1986-03-08
Lothar der Grauwolf 1986-07-26
Marcus de Clermont 1986-07-26
Da'ud ibn Auda 1986-11-23
Waldemar hamarhandar 1986-11-23
Sutan Bloodaxe 1987-05-23
Cairenn of Cu Ruadh Keep 1987-10-10
Conor Mac Cinneide 1987-10-10
Magnus Ian MacLeod 1987-10-10
Boris of Woodland 1987-11-01
Korwin Freawine of Maeldun 1988-08-13
Asoph Hearts 1988-09-04
Daniel Blackaxe 1988-09-04
Lance de Courcy 1988-10-08
Patrick Michael Gordonne 1988-10-08
Amalric des Etoiles 1989-03-28
Kyrus Logisson 1989-06-10
Martin Jaeger 1989-06-10
Valerius Fidelis Camerinus 1989-07-01
Christian Richard Dupre 1989-07-02
Irel Krist of Star Inn 1989-09-02
Dafydd Whitacre 1989-09-03
Adrian Navarre 1989-09-23
Robin of Gilwell 1989-10-07
Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim 1989-11-11
Robyn Solarius 1990-03-03
Regina Gunnvor Morningstar 1990-03-31
Redmon Charles Ottowar 1990-08-16
Galen Niccoli 1990-09-08
Gunhilda Adeleva Amberstar 1991-08-17
Harald One Eye 1991-08-17
Katrionna Heather MacLochlainn 1991-08-17
William Miesko 1991-08-17
Corwin von Xanten 1992-03-14
Isleif Brimstone 1992-05-09
Raith Brandburn 1992-05-09
Rhodri ap Gwythyr 1992-06-20
Aethelstan Aethelmearson 1992-07-04
Othar Morganson 1992-07-04
Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara 1992-08-11
Alisha MacLeod 1992-08-11
Domhnall MacLeod 1992-08-13
Talen Gustaf von Marienburg 1992-08-13
Treschen von Asselen 1992-08-13
Stephen Clifford 1992-08-15
Pepin Moroni 1992-08-23 [possibily resigned at some point]
Erik Sigrudson 1993-02-27
Hawk Blackthorn 1993-02-27
Gunthar Jonsson 1993-05-15
Atlantia, Kingdom of 1993-06-12
Mordraut Freyulf 1993-07-17
Eldred Bloodaxe 1993-08-07
Friedrich von Konigsburg 1993-08-19
Pepin Moroni 1993-08-19
Octavia de Verdon 1993-08-21
Sion Rhys of Badon 1993-09-25
Godwin of Edington 1993-11-13
Jason MacPherson 1993-11-13
Jevan the Fletcher ap Cenydd 1994-03-19
Torman of Trimaris 1994-03-19
Maximillian Muehleisen 1994-05-07
Leia di Capri 1994-08-20
Phelan MacEwan 1994-08-20
Tuchux Clan 1994-08-20
Robert Michael McPharlan 1994-09-24
Talon of Blackoak 1994-10-01
Conrad of Castleton 1995-03-04
Miguel Sebastian de Oporto 1995-03-04
Caladin Ironhearth 1995-03-18
Hans Duerrmast von der Wanderlust 1995-03-18
Mordraut Freyulf 1995-03-18
Tarl Godric the Brokentoe 1995-03-18
Tor Viga Ulfr 1995-03-18
Alisha MacLeod 1995-05-28
Valdemar of the Wastelands 1995-07-08
Tristan of Starlake 1995-08-18
Dietrich Kempenich von Eltz 1995-09-09
Oriana Valentina Corbizzi 1995-09-09
Britta MacGregor 1995-09-23
Giotto di Giovanni 1995-09-30
Wilhelm von Buch 1995-09-30
Alexis la Bouche 1996-06-22
Guillaume de Bordeaux 1996-08-08
Alaric Drake 1996-08-17
Almarr Domarr bjarnarklo 1996-08-17
Micheau de Sevigne 1996-08-17
Reinne du Bois 1996-08-17
Richard Wolfwood 1996-08-17
Stella Silvana 1996-10-19
Artorius ap Caradoc 1996-10-26
Romanius Vesperianus 1997-02-01
Timotheos Kalamanos 1997-03-14
Willow de Wisp 1997-03-14
Aaron MacGregor 1997-03-17
Wee Lan McGregor 1997-05-03
Mountain Confederation 1997-07-16 Pennsic
Jehan d'Aigle 1997-08-14
Marrock Viltar Har 1997-08-14
Rhys ap Llewellyn 1997-08-14
Airaklee Wolf 1997-11-21
Daniel de Burdon 1998-01-03
Thorgrim Bjornson 1998-03-12
Jonathan ap Morgan 1998-04-04
Philippe LeChanceux 1998-04-04
Gustav Hastings 1998-06-06
Fredrich der Rothirsch 1998-08-01
Corbin de Heather 1998-08-02
Vivaine d'Agincourt 1998-08-02
Honashi 1998-08-12
Dolfin of Cork 1998-08-13
William Cameron de Blakstan 1998-08-14
Fearghus MacKenna 1998-11-30
Geoffrey Sparhauk 1999-02-13
Virgil von Augsburg 1999-02-13
Raymond Henry Blackburne 1999-02-27
Galen of Bristol 1999-03-12
Kein MacEwan 1999-03-12
Kernon Ravenshaw 1999-04-17
Uther Blackthorne 1999-04-24
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black 1999-06-12
Erasmus Graber 2000-01-15
Gideon MacLeod 2000-01-15
Jean Paul de Sens 2000-01-15
Mittion von Weald 2000-01-15 Trimaris
Jasper Codrington 2000-01-22
Vallust Balstene 2000-01-22
Alarich Iarngard von Thorn 2000-01-29
Lawrence the Rampant of Ram's Isle 2000-02-16
Lucius Hadrianus 2000-03-17
Jovianus Skleros 2000-04-08
Sigrun inn Harfagri 2000-04-29
Guy Lestrange 2000-05-13
Mordock von Rugen 2000-05-27
Richard of Durnford 2000-05-27
Vigge Jonsson 2000-06-03
Isolde von Rugen 2000-06-17
Nazir Al-Tawil 2000-07-22
Branwyn Bacher 2000-08-17
Erkan Fox 2000-08-17
Evet Drachenklaue 2000-08-17
Emrys Shaunnon 2000-09-30
Daniel Stewart de Guthre 2000-11-11
Barn Silveraxe 2000-12-09
Llywelyn Gruffydd of Elfsea 2001-03-17
William de Molay 2001-03-17
Orric Longtooth 2001-06-30
Jael Issan 2001-07-07
Anton Cwith 2001-08-18
Diermat of House Blue Rose 2001-08-18
Kael Savage 2001-08-18
Morgan Buchanan 2001-08-18
Finnian Tulloch MacLeod 2001-09-01
John Peregrine of Restormel 2001-09-01
Rodrigo de Navarre 2001-11-10
Karl Hungus 2001-11-24
Tomas Niallagain 2001-11-24
Kimbel Ross 2002-01-05
Randall der Krieger 2002-03-15
Lawrence the Rampant of Ram's Isle 2002-04-13
Modius von Mergentheim 2002-06-08
Ulsted the Unsteady 2002-07-13
Godfrey Gauche 2002-08-10
Eleanor d'Eresby 2002-08-15
Eric Morrison 2002-08-15
Michael Morgan 2002-08-15
Ysfael Bryndu 2002-08-15
Seamus Baugh O'Shea 2002-10-26
Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne 2002-11-02
Daire de Haya 2003-03-13
Abe no Saburou Sadasuke (alt.) 2003-03-29
Ainar Magnusson 2003-05-10
Angus MacNokard 2003-05-10
Evangelos Thrakios 2003-05-10
Caedmon 2003-05-31
Gwenneth Bowynne of Glamorgan 2003-08-12
Ricardo Esteban de Salamanca 2003-09-20
Timur Borte 2003-09-20
Ivan Howard of Hightower 2004-01-10
Taisha Markov of Azov 2004-02-07
Grimver Longtooth 2004-03-06
Frederick von Dresen 2004-03-17
Gormvin Feitr 2004-03-18
Armand Dragonetti 2004-03-19
Cryn of Dunhaven 2004-03-19
Dias Manuel de la Torres 2004-03-19
Tymm Colbert le Gard 2004-03-19
Ian Macleod 2004-03-20
Ivar Idthur Drengr 2004-03-20
Lochlan Dunn 2004-03-20
Michael Gravesend 2004-03-20
Ruslan Novgorodcev 2004-03-20
Vilhjalmr Thursasprengir 2004-04-24
Hrafna Stórráða 2004-08-13
Justinian of Elfsea 2004-08-13
Michael Nymandus 2004-08-13
Roc 2004-09-04
William Lindsay 2004-09-04
Micheal na Tuaighe 2004-10-09
Alexander Marcellus 2005-01-29
Arias Yanes 2005-01-29
Finnvaldr inn grimmi 2005-01-29
Nymandus Zuhl 2005-01-29
Alexander Peregrine 2005-02-19
Kinoshita Zenjirou Yoshimitsu 2005-02-19
Ilissa the Nightwatcher 2005-03-15
Renee Grosvenor 2005-03-19
Geoffrey Tailor 2005-04-02
Archun al Tabir 2005-08-18
Kristrodr Bjarnarson 2005-08-18
Sven Stonegiver 2005-08-18
Dante de Montelli 2006-03-17
Julius de Orso 2006-03-17
Emily of Bjornsborg 2006-03-18
Kane MacClure 2006-04-15
Geoffrey Makepeace 2006-06-03 Chivalric Combat
Robert de Bray 2006-08-17
Kira no Takuan 2006-10-21
Aradon of Falconrose Keep 2007-03-14
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe 2007-03-17
Miguel de la Trebuchet 2007-03-17
Dougal del Keir of Wiesenfeuer 2007-05-19
Dagr Oswaldson 2007-06-02
Amaris Marinaro 2007-10-20
Drake Metzger von Ratzenburg 2008-02-23
Bastian Eisengart 2008-03-13
Kerold Hoegaarden 2008-03-13
Facon du Pray 2008-03-14
Fiacha the Blue 2008-10-11
Fiacha the Blue 2008-11-22
Wayland of Durlach 2009-02-21
Rhys Andreus 2009-03-18
Vladislav Strelec 2009-03-18
Timothy of Benford 2009-03-20 Meridies
Phelim Gervase 2009-07-31
Damon Xanthus 2009-11-21
Rikardr Sveinsson 2009-11-21
Eleanor d'Eresby 2010-02-12
Gotz von Totenberg 2010-02-12
Hirsch Ross Eichmann 2010-02-12
John of Severn 2010-02-12
Robert de Bray 2010-02-12
Alejandro Ramirez Mendoza 2010-02-13
Julius de Orso 2010-02-13
Adolf the Bear 2010-03-17
Ambroglio de Giotto 2010-03-17
Branderic Adolfsson 2010-03-17
Decimus, Son of Adolf 2010-03-17
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise 2010-03-17
Helene von Braunschweyg 2010-03-17
Ludewicus von Liechtenstein 2010-03-17
Marita al Andalus 2010-03-17
Oreyon Bozzhogg 2010-03-17
Rachel of Bryn Gwlad 2010-03-17
Philippe LeChanceux 2010-04-17
Caer Byrnes 2010-05-01
Sarran the Traveler 2010-07-10
Roland Garrett 2010-08-09
Georges le Breton 2011-03-17
Morgan Blackdragon 2011-03-17
Sven of Bordermarch 2011-03-19
Mace Longsword 2011-05-28
Eldrid Wolfsguard 2011-11-05
Gaston de Clermont 2011-11-05
Alexios Nikolaou 2012-03-15
Aryeh ben David ben Zecharia 2012-03-15
Gerold von Drachenhohle 2012-03-15
Kite von Nurnberg 2012-03-15
Justin of Bryn Gwlad 2012-03-16
Jason Drysdale 2012-05-26
Eberhart Sturmaere 2012-11-17
Heinrich Gluckstein 2013-03-12
Alexia Metelli 2013-03-14
Savaric de Pardieu 2013-03-14
Dallan of Loch Soilleir 2013-03-15
Katalina Ana de Salamanca 2013-03-15
Rosalinda de Salerno 2013-03-16
Alexia Metelli 2013-11-23
Kane Redfeather 2014-03-13
Zane Mountaine Gate ap Simonn 2014-03-13
Cristiane Milton 2014-04-05
Gabriel Thomas 2014-04-05
Alaric Drake 2014-11-22
Stefan of Wurmgeist 2014-11-22
Simonn of Amber Isle 2015-03-19
Vasilii Kostiantinovits 2015-03-19
Elena de La Reue 2016-03-17
Thorgard in Hirlugi 2016-05-28 Gleann Abhann
Rashid din Abdullah Al-Wafa-Al-Asadi 2016-10-08
Cristiane Milton 2016-11-19
Miklos Nemeth 2017-01-14
Sigurd Thormundson 2017-02-18
Akihiro of the Pale Dragons 2017-03-16
Jerimiah of the Pale Dragons 2017-03-16
Alusch Annika Von der Stern 2017-05-20
Mary Margret of the Pale Dragons 2017-05-27
Rene Damours 2017-11-11
Dane the Red 2017-11-18
Rey Ribeaumont 2017-11-18
Floki Geirrekkson 2018-03-14
Hadamar of Ansteorra 2018-03-14
Roland Blackthorn 2018-03-14
Tobias Gelucke 2018-03-14
Dane the Red 2018-05-26
Giovanni Rocco 2018-09-01
Embrolio 2018-09-29
Alfrikr Hamarskald 2018-11-17
Godric Dalamar 2018-11-17
Godric Daud 2018-11-17
Wilhelm of Bellatrix 2018-11-17
Micauley Morison 2019-01-12
Brunn Dagrsson 2019-03-13
Ashikaga Hideyashi 2019-03-14
Mikjall stoti 2019-03-15
Belgutei Batar 2019-08-15
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe 2019-08-15
Jason of Mooneschadowe 2019-08-15
Jean Paul de Sens 2019-08-15
John Drake 2021-07-10
Elyas Swyft 2022-03-17
Ludewicus von Liechtenstein 2022-03-17
Margery Gilroy 2022-03-17
Rande Robertson 2022-03-17
Sieghart Mueller 2022-03-17
Tycho Leksten 2022-03-17
John Drake 2022-08-11
John Drake 2022-09-10
Hagen Jensson 2023-01-28
Raulff Smeithberde 2023-03-14
Corwin von Xanten 2023-08-10
Gunnarr Bjornulfsson 2023-08-10
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir 2023-08-10
John Drake 2023-08-10
Nikolai Valentin 2023-08-10
Orlando Giovanni 2023-08-10
Raulff Smeithberde 2023-08-10
Roric Rainerson 2023-08-10
Rúna Bjarki 2023-08-10
Set Sette 2023-08-10
Sven Torsgard 2023-08-10
Torben Ulfbrok 2023-08-10
Paniko of Loch Soilleir 2023-11-18
Cadmus Lochagus 2023-12-09
Valencia of Vindheim 2023-12-09
Æthelwynne Svensdóttir 2024-03-14
Brynjolfr austmannaskelfir 2024-03-14
Clauß Fuchs von Nurenberg 2024-03-14
Godfrey of Del 2024-03-14
Karl Hungus 2024-03-14
Kobayashi no Hotaru 2024-03-14
Marcus of the Eldern Hills 2024-03-14
Orazio d'Assisi 2024-03-14
Rande Robertson 2024-03-14
Æthelwynne Svensdóttir 2024-08-07
Belgutei Batar 2024-08-07
Heinrich Wissen 2024-09-14
Alusch Annika Von der Stern 2024-11-23
Daniel Schade 2024-11-23
Dimitri Zenonovich 2024-11-23
Domhildr Grimsdottir 2024-11-23
Lucia of the Steppes 2024-11-23
Staberia of the Steppes 2024-11-23
Thorstan Hip-Breaker 2024-11-23
Faolan O Suilleabhain 2024-12-07
Tycho Leksten 2025-01-25