NameElfsea Springfaire
Awards FromAaron MacGregor I and Britta MacGregor I
Name Award Notes
Artair MacMora King's Archer of Ansteorra
Sean Cannan Award of Arms
Logathar of Dragonsfire Tor Sable Comet, Award o/t Dragonsfire Tor
Ameline du Bois Azure Keystone, Order o/t (Elfsea)
Fearghus MacKenna Azure Keystone, Order o/t (Elfsea)
Siobhan Ui Niall Azure Keystone, Order o/t (Elfsea)
Anezka z Rozmitala Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Kerrick de Casteele Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Arrow making
Caelin on Andrede Star of Merit, Order o/t
Alessandra Beatrice Desiderio Court Barony Elfsea 05/13/2000-04/06/2002
Galen of Bristol Court Barony Elfsea 05/13/2000-04/06/2002