Battle of Three Queens - Rosenfeld (2009-10-03)
Defender of the Fort - Raven's Fort (2009-09-19)
Triumphe of the Eclipse - Mooneschadowe (2009-09-19)
Grand Assembly of Archers - Wiesenfeuer (2009-09-12)
Laurel's Prize Tourney - Seawinds (2009-09-12)
Gothic War - Trelac (2009-09-05)
Steppes Artisan/Elfsea Baronial College - Steppes (2009-08-15)
Pennsic War XXXVIII - Out of Kingdom (2009-07-31)
King's Round Table - Steppes (2009-07-18)
Ansteorran Thirtieth Year Celebration/Crown - Ansteorra (2009-07-11)
A Midsummer Festival - Mooneschadowe (2009-06-27)
Passe de Arms - Adlersruhe (2009-06-20)
King's College - Bjornsborg (2009-06-13)
Castellan - Northkeep (2009-06-06)
Queen's Champion - Bryn Gwlad (2009-05-30)
Steppes Warlord - Steppes (2009-05-23)
Coronation - Rosenfeld (2009-05-16)
Beltane - Namron (2009-05-09)
Bordermarch Champions - Bordermarch (2009-05-09)
Machiavelli's Revenge - Black Lake (2009-05-09)