Seawinds Defender - Seawinds (2008-10-25)
Battle of the Pines - Graywood (2008-10-18)
Ursae-Lyons - Bjornsborg (2008-10-18)
Namron Protectorate - Namron (2008-10-11)
Tourney by the Loch - Loch Soilleir (2008-10-11)
Battle of Three Kings XIV - Rosenfeld (2008-10-04)
Triumphe of the Eclipse - Mooneschadowe (2008-09-20)
Harvest End - Gate's Edge (2008-09-06)
Gothic War XVII - Trelac (2008-08-30)
Steppes Artisan - Steppes (2008-08-16)
Lughnasad - Loch Ruadh (2008-08-09)
Pennsic War XXXVII - Out of Kingdom (2008-08-06)
Crown Tournament - Mooneschadowe (2008-07-26)
Queen's Champion - Bryn Gwlad (2008-07-19)
Coronation - Stargate (2008-07-12)
Ansteorran Heraldic and Scribal Symposium - Westgate (2008-06-28)
King's College - Steppes (2008-06-14)
Eldern XXX - Eldern Hills (2008-06-07)
Castellan - Northkeep (2008-05-31)
Lysts at Castleton - Bryn Gwlad (2008-05-31)