NameSafiye Griffith
Other Names
Preferred Title
ID for AMP4097
Registrations Name: Device:
Award Date Notes
Award of Arms 1995-07-02
Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 1998-01-03
Sable Comet, Award o/t 2000-10-28 Trelac
Star of Merit, Order o/t 2001-09-01
Court Barony 2002-07-13
Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2008-12-13 Costuming
Pelican, Order o/t 2014-04-12
Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 2014-04-12 Nicollet I
Western Cross, Order o/t (Bonwicke) 2015-01-24
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha) 2017-10-06
Sable Sparrow, Award o/t 2018-04-14
Sable Sparrow, Award o/t 2019-04-13
Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2024-04-13
Sovereign's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 2024-04-13 Nicollet II