NameFountain of Vindheim, Award o/t
Name Date Notes
Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne 2022-04-16 Arts as Service (originally premier Silver Fountain)
Adalia VonderBerg 2022-05-21 Arts as Service (originally Silver Fountain)
Ivo Blackhawk 2022-06-11 Arts as Service (originally Silver Fountain)
Audrie de Lyon 2022-10-29 Arts as Service
Ayesha de Warwick 2022-10-29 Arts as Service
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe 2022-10-29 Art in support of Marshallate
Turpin Tyme 2022-10-29 Art in support of Marshallate
Eadwyn Gathyrde 2022-11-05 Art as Service
Eadwyn Gathyrde 2022-11-05 Arts in support of Marshallate
Celeste le Charmant 2022-12-10 Art as Service
Dominique Michelle le Vasseur 2022-12-10 Art as Service
Elric Dracwine 2022-12-10 Art as Service
Sigfried von Steinburg 2022-12-10 Art as Service
Vogna Zherebtsova 2022-12-10 Art as Service
Isabeau Wynter 2022-12-17 Art as Service
Caton Cat Cathart 2023-01-28 Art as Service
Ian Thornhill Chisholm 2023-01-28 Art as Service
Toriana Thornhill 2023-01-28 Art as Service
Lyra Fiammetta Caravaggio 2023-03-16 Art as Service
Séigíne Brecc 2023-03-16 Art as Service
Annabelle Marie FitzSimmons 2023-04-01 Art as Service
Áshildr inn Hárfagri 2023-04-29
Cailleach Ui Chaerbhaill 2023-04-29
Halldóra Hrafnsdóttir 2023-04-29
Margaret MacDuff 2023-05-06
Elsa von Snackenburg 2023-05-20
Stigandr Houlegate 2023-05-20
Ian the Grene 2023-06-03
Gwenyvere Rose Foxe 2023-06-17
Gwyneth of Ramsey Mere 2023-06-17
Cicily Bridges 2023-10-21
Vitalis Gabrielle Venier della Mare 2023-10-21
Mikjall stoti 2023-12-09
Liadan of Patrin Or 2024-03-14 Service
Thomas de Groet 2024-03-14 Service
Grimbjorn Sigmundsson 2024-05-04
Klauss Luinstra of Wiesenfeuer 2024-05-04