Change to: Vindheim Coronets
9 - Simonn of Amber Isle and Tessa of the Gardens - 1983-09-04
8 - Sigmund the Wingfooted II and Sieglinde Syr II - 1983-02-12
7 - Inman MacMoore I and Arrowyn of Emerald Moor I - 1982-07-10
6 - Lloyd von Eaker II and Joselyn Allyne Reynard II - 1982-01-30
5 - Finn Kelly O'Donnell and Elzasif Ironhand - 1981-07-18
4 - Sigmund the Wingfooted I and Sieglinde Syr I - 1981-01-31
3 - Jan w Orzeldom and Kemreth Danil - 1980-06-21
2 - Lloyd von Eaker I and Joselyn Allyne Reynard I - 1979-11-18
1 - Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer I and Willow de Wisp I - 1979-06-16
3 - Simonn of Amber Isle and Tessa of the Gardens (Coronet) - 1978-12-09
2 - Randal von Nordlichwald and Constance von Nordlichwald (Coronet) - 1978-05-20
1 - Sean McFlamm of Ravenswaard and Katharina von Alyssin (Coronet) - 1977-11-26
0 - Foreign or Unknown - 0000-00-00