Alden Drake
Herald Extraordinary
Brian O hUilliam
Herald Extraordinary
Hillary Rose Greenslade
Signet Extraordinaire
Ekaterina Stepanova doch' Novgorodskaia
Herald Extraordinary
Red Delf Herald |
Liam macShemus MacSweeney
Herald Extraordinary
Ivo Blackhawk
Herald Extraordinary
Resolute Herald |
Michelle Chantal de Charente
Coronet's Favor (West/Mists)
Kilian MacRaith of the Ironshell
Keys of Gleann Abhann
2022-09-03 |
Meash White
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2022-08-27 |
Montgomery Cadigan
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2022-08-14 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2022-08-10 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2022-08-10 |
Meash White
Princess' Token, The (West/Cynagua)
2022-07-16 |
Meash White
Coronet's Favor (West/Cynagua)
2022-07-16 |
Reis ap Tuder ap Wyn
Herald Extraordinary
Benevolence Herald |
Meash White
Crown's Favor (West)
2022-04-30 |
Rianorix Alesianus
Award of Arms
2022-04-04 |
Meash White
Crusader of Cynagua (West/Cynagua)
2022-04-02 |
Meash White
Den Grimme Aeling (West/Cynagua)
2022-03-26 |
Æthelwynne Svensdóttir
Iren-Fyrd, Order o/t (Calontir)
2022-03-15 |
Nerak la Tisserande
Fellowship of St. Orion (Meridies)
2021-10-30 |
Catherine of Wessex
Coronet's Favor (West/Mists)
2021-09-11 |
Meash White
Coronet's Favor (West/Mists)
2021-09-11 |
Meash White
Crown's Favor (West)
2021-09-05 |
Meash White
Gratia Coronae, Cypher o/t (SCA) (closed)
2021-09-05 |
Dragonet de la Rochelle
Award of Arms
2021-09-01 |
Æthelwynne Svensdóttir
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
2021-06-12 |
Julien de la Fontaine
Defense, Order of
2020-09-19 |
Atlantia |
Gunnlaud Leifsson
Award of Arms
2020-07-25 |
Caid |
Rayya al-Ruqay'a
Award of Arms
2020-01-25 |
Outlands |
Catherine of Wessex
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2020-01-19 |
Meash White
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2019-11-02 |
Catherine of Wessex
Oerthan Order of Hospitality (West/Oerthan)
2019-10-13 |
Braith of Northkeep
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Catherine of Wessex
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-07-21 |
Geoffrey Scott
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-07-21 |
Aine Starsdotter
Award of Arms
2019-06-22 |
Atenveldt |
Thomas Towlewardie
Harvests Moon, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2019-06-15 |
Kellenin de Lanwinnauch
Silver Brooch, Order o/t (East)
2019-05-25 |
Catherine of Wessex
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2019-05-18 |
Catherine of Wessex
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-01-20 |
Geoffrey Scott
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-01-20 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Pelican, Order o/t
2019-01-20 |
West |
Catherine of Wessex
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2019-01-19 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-01-19 |
Geoffrey Scott
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2019-01-19 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2019-01-19 |
Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
Signum Regni (Caid)
2019-01-05 |
Meash White
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2019-01-05 |
Meash White
Queen's Treasure (West)
2019-01-05 |
Torquill mac Séamuis
Signum Regni (Caid)
2019-01-05 |
Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
Crescent, Order o/t (Caid)
2019-01-05 |
Geoffrey Scott
Oerthan Order of Hospitality (West/Oerthan)
2018-10-05 |
Meash White
Scutiferus Cynaguae (West/Cynagua)
2018-09-30 |
Lilias Mar
Emerald Heart of Granite Mountain, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Granite Mountain)
2018-09-15 |
Catherine of Wessex
Coeur d'Azur, Honor o/t (West/Mists)
2018-08-08 |
Catherine of Wessex
Oerthan Order of Hospitality (West/Oerthan)
2018-08-08 |
Iziaslava Veronikeia Myshkovicha
Award of Arms
2018-05-27 |
Calontir |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Wandering Wolves, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2018-05-26 |
Tristan Duncansson
Wandering Wolves, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2018-05-26 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Wandering Wolves, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2018-05-26 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2018-05-05 |
Thomas Towlewardie
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2018-05-05 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Glory of Atenveldt
2018-05-05 |
Laurel |
Jaida de Leon
Pelican, Order o/t
2018-04-14 |
Calontir |
Valka Siggudottir
l'Etoile d'Argent, Ordre de (An Tir/Tir Righ)
2018-04-07 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Crimson Mace, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2018-02-22 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Orion, Order of (West/Oertha)
2018-02-17 |
Or arrowhead |
Violet Tailyeaour
Snowy Owl, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2018-02-17 |
Meash White
Cynagua Quill, The (West/Cynagua)
2018-01-27 |
Bronze |
Violet Tailyeaour
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2018-01-21 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Coeur d'Azur, Honor o/t (West/Mists)
2018-01-20 |
Tristan Duncansson
Pegasus, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2018-01-20 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Coeur d'Azur, Honor o/t (West/Mists)
2018-01-20 |
Lilias Mar
Flower of the Desert, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2018-01-20 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2018-01-06 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2018-01-06 |
Julien de la Fontaine
Ensis Honoris of the Citadel (Outlands - Citadel o/t Southern Pass)
2018-01-06 |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Astrum Australis, Order o/t (Outlands - Citadel o/t Southern Pass)
2018-01-06 |
Julien de la Fontaine
White Scarf of the Outlands
2018-01-06 |
Johanna Buchanan
Apollo's Arrow, Order of (East)
2017-12-02 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2017-11-04 |
Kellenin de Lanwinnauch
Award of Arms
2017-11-04 |
East |
Ray ap Dewi
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2017-10-21 |
Safiye Griffith
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2017-10-06 |
Melinda del Feld
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2017-09-09 |
Andrewe Bawldwyn
Herald Extraordinary
2017-08-30 |
Regnard Blanc Herault |
Meash White
Coronet's Favor (West/Cynagua)
2017-07-22 |
Meash White
Pearl of the Court (West/Cynagua)
2017-07-22 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2017-07-15 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2017-07-15 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Coronet's Favor (West/Mists)
2017-06-24 |
Gunnvor silfraharr
Herald Extraordinary
Gerfalck Heroldt |
John Drake
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
2017-05-27 |
Floki Geirrekkson
Kraken, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2017-05-27 |
Asa Vedisdottir
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
2017-05-13 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2017-05-06 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Queen's Treasure (West)
2017-05-06 |
Meash White
Queen's Treasure (West)
2017-05-06 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2017-05-06 |
Rudiger der Munzaer
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
2017-05-06 |
Johann der Becker von Aschersleben
Beacon of the Desert (Atenveldt)
2017-04-15 |
Meash White
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2017-04-15 |
Torquill mac Séamuis
Crescent, Order o/t (Caid)
2017-04-15 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Grace, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2017-04-01 |
Rudiger der Munzaer
Award of Arms
2017-03-25 |
Middle |
Amanda of Bryn Gwlad
Crown's Favor (West)
Roger and Zanobia |
Lavinia le Chandeler
Crown's Favor (West)
Roger and Zanobia |
Elizabeth Caton
Opal, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2017-03-16 |
Floki Geirrekkson
Silver Osprey, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2017-02-25 |
Lilias Mar
Award of Arms
2017-02-23 |
Atenveldt |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2017-01-22 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Princess' Escort (West/Oertha)
2017-01-22 |
Knight Counselor |
Violet Tailyeaour
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2017-01-22 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2017-01-22 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Oerthan Order of Grace
2017-01-21 |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Legion of Gallantry (Outlands)
2017-01-21 |
Julien de la Fontaine
Award of Arms
2017-01-14 |
Caid |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2017-01-07 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2017-01-07 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Queen's Treasure (West)
2017-01-07 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2017-01-07 |
Tristan Duncansson
Royal Pages of the West
2016-12-17 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Crown's Favor (West)
2016-12-17 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2016-12-17 |
West |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2016-11-05 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2016-11-05 |
West |
Valka Siggudottir
Award of Arms
2016-11-05 |
An Tir |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Thermopylae o/t Citadel (Outlands - Citadel o/t Southern Pass)
2016-10-15 |
Tristan Duncansson
Raven's Heart, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2016-09-03 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Queen's Treasure (West)
2016-08-27 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Queen's Treasure (West)
2016-08-27 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2016-08-10 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2016-08-10 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2016-08-08 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Princess' Escort (West/Oertha)
2016-07-17 |
Captain |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Shield of Chivalry (West/Oertha)
2016-07-17 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Diamond Willow, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2016-07-17 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Lady o/t Chamber (West/Oertha)
2016-07-17 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Oerthan Sword, Order o/t (West/Oertha)
2016-07-16 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Ash Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2016-07-16 |
Aaron Carter
Golden Pillar of Artemisia, Order o/t
2016-04-30 |
Kjalvor Saebjornardottir
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
2016-04-23 |
Nerak la Tisserande
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2016-04-16 |
Meridies - Glaedenfeld 01/08/1982-01/17/1992 |
Brangwayn Steward
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
2016-04-09 |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Stag's Blood, Order o/t (Outlands)
2016-03-13 |
Elena Levin
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2016-02-20 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Princess' Escort (West/Oertha)
2016-01-17 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Holders of the Heart (West/Oertha)
2016-01-17 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
2016-01-17 |
Oertha - West |
Violet Tailyeaour
2016-01-17 |
Oertha - West |
Catherine of Wessex
Argent Flame (West/Oertha)
2016-01-16 |
Geoffrey Scott
Argent Flame (West/Oertha)
2016-01-16 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2015-11-21 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2015-11-21 |
Robin of Gilwell
Herald Extraordinary
2015-11-14 |
Rapier Herald |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2015-11-07 |
Thomas Towlewardie
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2015-11-07 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Defender of the West (West)
2015-10-09 |
Sven Karlsson
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2015-10-03 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Coronet's Favor (West/Mists)
2015-09-26 |
Mariel du Bois
Keys of Gleann Abhann
2015-09-19 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Keys of Gleann Abhann
2015-09-19 |
Binn MacBranain
Defense, Order of
2015-09-19 |
Gleann Abhann |
Elizabeth Caton
Coral Branch, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2015-09-12 |
Asa Vedisdottir
Award of Arms
2015-08-15 |
An Tir |
Thomas Towlewardie
Lune Bleue, Commandeur de l'ordre de la (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2015-07-18 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Golden Needle (Atenveldt)
2015-07-18 |
Tostig Logiosophia
Herald Extraordinary
2015-07-04 |
Starremon heraud |
Aaron Carter
Defense, Order of
2015-06-20 |
Artemisia |
Lisabetta Davanzati
Award of Arms
2015-05-30 |
Caid |
Martin Martinson
Award of Arms
2015-05-30 |
Caid |
Jaida de Leon
Calon Cross, Order o/t (Calontir)
2015-05-23 |
Redulf Köl
Silver Tyne, Order o/t (Outlands)
2015-05-09 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Queen's Treasure (West)
2015-05-02 |
Kjalvor Saebjornardottir
Award of Arms
2015-05-02 |
Middle |
Rey Ribeaumont
Pelican, Order o/t
2015-04-25 |
Gleann Abhann |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Corolla Aulica, The (West/Mists)
2015-04-18 |
Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
Ciaran Mac Giolla Bhrighde
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
Lantani de Forez
Sigil of AEthelmearc (Æthelmearc)
2015-04-11 |
Catherine of Wessex
Silver Ivy, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2015-04-04 |
Geoffrey Scott
Silver Ivy, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2015-04-04 |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Laurel, Order o/t
2015-03-28 |
East |
Kein MacEwan
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
Sven Randullsson
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
Floki Geirrekkson
Award of Arms
2015-03-19 |
Atlantia |
Gideon MacLeod
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2015-03-19 |
Amalric des Etoiles
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2015-03-17 |
Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Ian the Grene
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2015-02-14 |
Montgomery Cadigan
Award of Arms
2015-02-14 |
West |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Consort's Award of Esteem (East)
2015-01-24 |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
2015-01-09 |
Catherine of Wessex
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2014-11-22 |
Isabelle de Calais
Flower of the Desert, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2014-10-25 |
Catherine of Wessex
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2014-10-04 |
Geoffrey Scott
Coronet's Favor (West/Oertha)
2014-10-04 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2014-10-04 |
Trisola Ducci
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
2014-10-04 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2014-09-13 |
Meridies |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Grant of Arms
2014-09-13 |
Meridies |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Crown's Favor (West)
2014-08-23 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Defender of the West (West)
2014-08-07 |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
2014-07-18 |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Friend of the Summits (An Tir/Summits)
2014-06-21 |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Silver Barberry (An Tir/Summits)
2014-06-21 |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Throne's Favor of the Summits (An Tir/Summits)
2014-06-21 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Silver Barberry (An Tir/Summits)
2014-06-21 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Throne's Favor of the Summits (An Tir/Summits)
2014-06-21 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
2014-05-31 |
Emma de Fetherstan
Herald Extraordinary
2014-05-30 |
Temperaunce Herald |
Brianna Talbot
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
2014-05-24 |
Inkle Weaving |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2014-05-17 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2014-05-17 |
Brangwayn Steward
Award of Arms
2014-04-12 |
An Tir |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Legio Ursi, Order o/t (Meridies)
2014-04-12 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Guiding Hand of Meridies, Order o/t
2014-04-05 |
Violet Tailyeaour
Award of Arms
2014-04-05 |
Meridies |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Golden Rapier, Order o/t (East)
2014-03-29 |
Elena Levin
Award of Arms
2014-03-23 |
West |
Elena Levin
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2014-03-23 |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Order of Grace (West)
2014-03-22 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Scroll of Honor (Northshield)
2014-03-14 |
Mariel du Bois
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2014-03-12 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Aries, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2014-03-12 |
Mariana de Salamanca
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2014-02-22 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Argent Shield, Order o/t (Meridies)
2014-01-25 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Argent Comet, Order o/t (Meridies)
2014-01-25 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Award of Arms
2014-01-25 |
Meridies |
Creppin l'Ostriche
King's Favor (An TIr)
2014-01-11 |
Modius von Mergentheim
Herald Extraordinary
2014-01-11 |
Humilitas Herald |
Sara Penrose
Herald Extraordinary
2014-01-11 |
White Heron Herald |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2014-01-08 |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Silver Barberry (An Tir/Summits)
2013-12-14 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Friend of the Summits (An Tir/Summits)
2013-12-14 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Coeur d'Azur, Honor o/t (West/Mists)
2013-12-07 |
Rey Ribeaumont
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
2013-11-23 |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2013-11-09 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Corolla Vitae, The (West/Mists)
2013-11-02 |
Astrid of the Holy
Silver Lamb, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2013-10-12 |
Cian Rhys Gravenor
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Donna verch Dewi
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Grimhildr Læknir
Defender of the West (West)
2013-10-12 |
Binn MacBranain
Sovereigns Letter of Endorsement (Gleann Abhann)
2013-10-05 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Corolla Aulica, The (West/Mists)
2013-09-28 |
Catherine of Wessex
Prince's Token (West/Cynagua)
2013-07-31 |
Geoffrey Scott
Prince's Token (West/Cynagua)
2013-07-31 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2013-07-31 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2013-07-31 |
Trisola Ducci
Greenwood Company, Order o/t (Middle)
2013-07-31 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2013-07-21 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Den Grimme Aeling (West/Cynagua)
2013-07-13 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Cynaguan Guard (West/Cynagua)
2013-07-13 |
Grimhildr Læknir
Award of Arms
2013-07-13 |
West |
Binn MacBranain
Court Barony
2013-07-13 |
Gleann Abhann |
Jaida de Leon
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
2013-04-27 |
Johann der Becker von Aschersleben
Award of Arms
2013-04-27 |
Atenveldt |
Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2013-04-20 |
Torquill mac Séamuis
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2013-04-20 |
Pottery and cooking |
Mariel du Bois
Rose, Order o/t
2013-04-13 |
Gleann Abhann |
Astrid of the Holy
Award of Arms
2013-04-13 |
Gleann Abhann |
Astrid of the Holy
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2013-04-13 |
Wilhelm Meis
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2013-04-13 |
Mariel du Bois
2013-04-13 |
Gleann Abhann |
Rey Ribeaumont
2013-04-13 |
Gleann Abhann |
Catherine of Wessex
Silver Ivy, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2013-04-06 |
Geoffrey Scott
Silver Ivy, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2013-04-06 |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Silver Tyne, Order o/t (Outlands)
2013-04-06 |
Adena Terrickdoutter
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
Asoph Hearts
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Kyrus Logisson
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
Michelle Chantal de Charente
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
Solia Corsali
Fountain, Award o/t (Atlantia)
Katarina Vigge
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2013-03-14 |
Aaron Carter
Quodlibet (Artemisia)
2013-03-02 |
Isabelle de Calais
Beacon of the Desert (Atenveldt)
2013-02-16 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Pelican, Order o/t
2013-02-16 |
Atenveldt |
Trevor MacRea
Scales of Dragonsspine, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2013-02-02 |
Wilhelm Meis
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2013-02-02 |
Zahira de la Sara
Stag, Order o/t (Outlands)
2013-02-02 |
Etienne de Saint Amaranth
Herald Extraordinary
2013-01-26 |
Verger Herald |
Binn MacBranain
Onyx Chalice, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2013-01-12 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2013-01-05 |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
2013-01-05 |
Trevor MacRea
White Scarf of the Outlands
2013-01-05 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Silver Barberry (An Tir/Summits)
2012-12-08 |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Rose, Order o/t
2012-11-10 |
Outlands |
Ian the Grene
Evergreen, Order o/t (Middle)
2012-11-10 |
Drahomira von Augsburg
2012-11-10 |
Outlands |
William Flanagan
2012-11-10 |
Outlands |
Alric Godwynson
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2012-11-03 |
Melinda del Feld
Award of Arms
2012-11-03 |
Middle |
Jaida de Leon
Silver Hammer, Order o/t (Calontir)
2012-10-23 |
Torquill mac Séamuis
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2012-10-06 |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
2012-09-15 |
Creppin l'Ostriche
Award of Arms
2012-09-01 |
An Tir |
Lantani de Forez
Sycamore, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2012-06-30 |
Thomas ap Dewi
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2012-06-16 |
Elizabeth Crane
White Chamfron, Order o/t (Middle)
2012-06-02 |
Rhiannon Redwulf
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2012-05-12 |
Tatiana Verlioni
Laurel, Order o/t
2012-03-27 |
Atenveldt |
zzz test entry I
2012-03-25 |
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2012-03-25 |
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2012-03-25 |
test |
zzz test entry III
2012-03-25 |
zzz test entry III
Beacon of the Desert (Atenveldt)
2012-03-25 |
Binn MacBranain
Queen's Silver Blade, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2012-03-13 |
Asbiorn inn eyverski
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2012-02-18 |
Asbiorn inn eyverski
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
2012-02-18 |
Hroswitha von Lippe
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2012-02-11 |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Silver Rapier, Order o/t (East)
2012-02-04 |
Zahira de la Sara
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2012-02-04 |
Elizabeth Crane
Award of Arms
2012-01-14 |
Middle |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2012-01-07 |
Aaron Carter
Court Barony
2012-01-07 |
Artemisia - Gryphon's Lair 1/9/2010-1/7/2012 |
Fiacha the Blue
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
Catherine of Wessex
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2011-11-12 |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2011-11-12 |
Elena Zekel Miklosne
Award of Arms
2011-11-12 |
Calontir |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2011-11-05 |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Award of Arms
2011-10-29 |
Outlands |
Rafael Fernando Montes de Castillo
Ensis Honoris of the Citadel (Outlands - Citadel o/t Southern Pass)
2011-10-29 |
Astrid of the Holy
Lamb, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2011-10-15 |
Ian the Grene
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
2011-10-15 |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Herald Extraordinary
2011-10-01 |
Pympernell Herald |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Herald's Tressure, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2011-09-17 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Azure Archers of Atenveldt
2011-09-04 |
Elene Kirchenknopf
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2011-08-27 |
Wilhelm Meis
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2011-08-20 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2011-08-11 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2011-08-11 |
Samuel Dewy
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2011-06-18 |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Grey Goose Shaft, Order o/t (An Tir)
2011-05-22 |
Seraphina Maslowska
Citizen of Gleann Abhann
2011-04-08 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2011-04-02 |
Troubadour |
Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2011-03-18 |
Santesa da Vale
Argent Comet, Order o/t (Meridies)
2011-03-17 |
Gregor MacDonald
Crescent, Order o/t (Caid)
2011-01-15 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2011-01-08 |
Binn MacBranain
Combattant Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2011-01-08 |
William Flanagan
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2011-01-08 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2010-12-04 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Crown's Favor (West)
2010-12-04 |
Eleanor of Forth Castle
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
2010-11-20 |
Eleanor di Michelozzo Gianfigliazzi
Rose, Order o/t
2010-11-06 |
Caid |
Eleanor di Michelozzo Gianfigliazzi
Award of Arms
2010-11-06 |
Caid |
Eleanor di Michelozzo Gianfigliazzi
2010-11-06 |
Caid |
Rey Ribeaumont
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2010-10-30 |
Titus Albius Maleolus
Award of Arms
2010-10-29 |
Trisola Ducci
Dragon's Barb, Order o/t (Middle)
2010-10-16 |
Aaron Carter
Key Cross, Order o/t (Artemisia)
2010-10-16 |
Wilhelm Meis
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2010-10-09 |
Binn MacBranain
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2010-10-02 |
Binn MacBranain
Sovereigns Letter of Endorsement (Gleann Abhann)
2010-10-02 |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
2010-10-02 |
Ebergardis von Zell
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2010-09-25 |
Gwyneth Felton
Court Barony
2010-09-11 |
Northshield |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Crescent, Order o/t (Caid)
2010-09-05 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Silver Barberry (An Tir/Summits)
2010-08-28 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2010-08-28 |
Eleanor of Forth Castle
Award of Arms
2010-08-21 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2010-08-12 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2010-08-12 |
Amalric des Etoiles
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2010-08-12 |
Isabel Chamberlaine
Award of Arms
2010-08-11 |
East |
Miguel Neves de Lisboa
Award of Arms
2010-07-31 |
Gleann Abhann |
Ian the Grene
Cavendish Knot, Order o/t (Middle)
2010-07-24 |
Leonor Ruiz de Lison
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2010-07-24 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Princess' Token, The (West/Cynagua)
2010-07-10 |
William Flanagan
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2010-07-04 |
Meash White
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2010-06-20 |
West |
Asbiorn inn eyverski
Ffraid, Order of (Drachenwald/Insulae Draconis)
2010-05-29 |
Sven Karlsson
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
2010-05-29 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Crown's Favor (West)
2010-05-01 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2010-05-01 |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2010-05-01 |
Lantani de Forez
Sigil of AEthelmearc (Æthelmearc)
2010-04-10 |
Binn MacBranain
Award of Arms
2010-04-10 |
Gleann Abhann |
Trevor MacRea
Silver Tyne, Order o/t (Outlands)
2010-03-27 |
Aaron MacGregor
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2010-03-19 |
Lantani de Forez
Golden Thorn, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2010-03-16 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Award of Arms
2010-02-27 |
Trimaris |
Barekr Bjorgeirson
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2010-02-20 |
Katarina von Danzig
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2010-02-20 |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2010-01-24 |
Atenveldt |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2010-01-09 |
Miguel Neves de Lisboa
Award of Arms
2009-12-05 |
Gleann Abhann |
Dyan du lac des Calandres
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
2009-11-21 |
Grimver Longtooth
King's Order of Condatis (Gleann Abhann)
2009-11-21 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Coeur d'Azur, Honor o/t (West/Mists)
2009-10-17 |
Cicily Bridges
Award of Arms
2009-10-03 |
Middle |
Thomas Towlewardie
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2009-08-29 |
Atenveldt |
Asbiorn inn eyverski
Award of Arms
2009-08-21 |
Drachenwald |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2009-08-07 |
Costuming |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2009-08-05 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2009-08-05 |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Pelican, Order o/t
2009-06-20 |
Artemisia |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Prince's Token (West/Cynagua)
2009-06-11 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Scutiferus Cynaguae (West/Cynagua)
2009-05-24 |
Ines Alfon
Herald Extraordinary
2009-04-18 |
White Tyger Herald (Calontir) |
Ines Alfon
Calon Cross, Order o/t (Calontir)
2009-04-04 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Argent Estoile, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2009-03-28 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2009-03-21 |
Amalric des Etoiles
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2009-03-18 |
Isabelle de Calais
Award of Arms
2009-03-14 |
Atenveldt |
Evelyn du Monde
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2009-02-28 |
Gleann Abhann |
Alric Godwynson
Silver Tyne, Order o/t (Outlands)
2009-01-31 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Crown's Order of Gratitude (Trimaris)
2009-01-10 |
Constanza de Talavera
Opal, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2009-01-10 |
Gregor MacDonald
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2009-01-10 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Sable Lion of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2009-01-03 |
Geoffrey de Gournay
Award of Arms
2009-01-03 |
Calontir |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2009-01-03 |
Tatiana Verlioni
Fleur de Soleil, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2009-01-03 |
Catherine of Wessex
Crown's Favor (West)
2008-11-22 |
Geoffrey Scott
Crown's Favor (West)
2008-11-22 |
Meash White
Corolla Aulica, The (West/Mists)
2008-11-16 |
Meash White
Corolla Vitae, The (West/Mists)
2008-11-16 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2008-11-15 |
Poet |
Santesa da Vale
Award of Arms
2008-11-08 |
Meridies |
Thomas Towlewardie
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2008-11-01 |
Alric Godwynson
Dragon's Grace, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2008-09-27 |
Trevor MacRea
Dragon's Grace, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2008-09-27 |
Katrina of York
Millrind, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2008-09-20 |
Aaron Carter
Gryphon's Heart of Artemisia
2008-09-13 |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2008-09-13 |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2008-08-23 |
Catherine of Wessex
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2008-08-04 |
West |
Geoffrey Scott
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2008-08-04 |
West |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Stag, Order o/t (Outlands)
2008-07-05 |
William Flanagan
Fallen Snow, Order o/t (Outlands)
2008-07-04 |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Crown's Favor (West)
2008-06-28 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2008-05-31 |
Masque |
William Flanagan
Venerable Guard, Company o/t (Outlands)
2008-05-10 |
Mariana de Salamanca
Coral Branch, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2008-05-10 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2008-05-03 |
Leonor Ruiz de Lison
Golden Nightingale, Order o/t (Outlands - Caer Galen)
2008-04-27 |
Mariel du Bois
Pelican, Order o/t
2008-04-26 |
Gleann Abhann |
Amalric des Etoiles
Royal Vanguard, Order o/t (Middle)
2008-04-19 |
Amalric des Etoiles
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2008-04-19 |
Middle |
Crystal Berringer
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2008-04-19 |
Middle |
Trevor MacRea
Award of Arms
2008-04-12 |
Outlands |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Golden Sun in Splendour, Order o/t (Artemisia)
2008-04-06 |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2008-03-29 |
Troubadour |
Constanza de Talavera
Undine, Award o/t (Atlantia)
2008-03-29 |
Eva Helena Vettori
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2008-03-29 |
Beatrix Funteyn
Queen's Endorsement of Distinction (Calontir)
2008-03-22 |
Pukhta Lovtsevich
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2008-03-22 |
Atlantia |
Pukhta Lovtsevich
Grant of Arms
2008-03-22 |
Atlantia |
Aibhilin inghean Daibhidh
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2008-03-14 |
Amalric des Etoiles
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2008-03-14 |
Aaron MacGregor
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
2008-03-13 |
Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2008-02-16 |
Slaine |
Ian the Grene
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2008-01-19 |
Tomas Niallagain
Herald Extraordinary
2007-12-30 |
Salamander d'Or Herald |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2007-11-10 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Onyx Chalice, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2007-10-27 |
Barekr Bjorgeirson
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
2007-10-13 |
Katarina von Danzig
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
2007-10-13 |
Crystal Berringer
Sapphire, Award o/t (Middle)
2007-10-06 |
Gwenllian ferch Maredudd
Herald Extraordinary
2007-09-30 |
Longeley Herald (Atlantia) |
Amalric des Etoiles
Red Company, Order o/t (Middle)
2007-09-29 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2007-09-22 |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2007-09-22 |
Andreas von Meissen
Cavendish Knot, Order o/t (Middle)
2007-09-08 |
Eogan hua Beollain
Award of Arms
2007-09-08 |
Lantani de Forez
Award of Arms
2007-09-02 |
Trimaris |
Meash White
Award of Arms
2007-08-25 |
West |
Mariana de Salamanca
Opal, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2007-08-08 |
Aaron Carter
Golden Maple Leaf, Order o/t (Artemisia)
2007-07-28 |
Aaron Carter
Defender o/t White Scarf (Artemisia)
2007-07-28 |
Abigail Kitchener
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
2007-07-21 |
Abigail Kitchener
King's Favor (An TIr)
2007-07-21 |
zzz test entry I
2007-06-27 |
Mariel du Bois
Diamond Chalice, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2007-06-02 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2007-05-05 |
Marguerite Dinard
Trefoil, Order o/t (Outlands)
2007-04-21 |
William Flanagan
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2007-04-20 |
Gwyneth Felton
Rose, Order o/t
2007-04-14 |
Northshield |
Gwyneth Felton
2007-04-14 |
Northshield |
zzz test entry I
2007-04-10 |
Geoffrey Scott
Corolla Aulica, The (West/Mists)
2007-03-31 |
Anna Fernald
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2007-03-17 |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2007-03-17 |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Court Barony
2007-03-17 |
Drachenwald |
Aethelstan Aethelmearson
Citizen of Gleann Abhann
2007-03-16 |
Rowena of Avalon
Queen's Order of Courtesy (Atlantia)
2007-03-16 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Court Barony
2007-03-16 |
Northshield |
Hroswitha von Lippe
Award of Arms
2007-03-03 |
Northshield |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2007-02-18 |
William Cameron de Blakstan
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2007-02-17 |
Outlands |
Zahira de la Sara
Award of Arms
2007-02-03 |
Outlands |
Zahira de la Sara
Scales of Dragonsspine, Order o/t (Outlands - Dragonsspine)
2007-02-03 |
Abigail Kitchener
Pelican, Order o/t
2007-01-13 |
An Tir |
Ines Alfon
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
2006-12-09 |
Rugan the Fox
Award of Arms
2006-11-11 |
Calontir |
Marguerite Dinard
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Outlands)
2006-11-04 |
Elspeth of Tyvidale
Award of Arms
2006-09-23 |
Outlands |
Erich von Ossenbrugge
Opal, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2006-09-23 |
Lena von Ossenbrugge
Opal, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2006-09-23 |
Gregor MacDonald
Award of Arms
2006-09-16 |
Caid |
Mariel du Bois
Arrow and Bolt, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2006-09-16 |
William Flanagan
Stag's Blood, Order o/t (Outlands)
2006-09-09 |
William Flanagan
Sable Lion of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2006-09-09 |
Mihil von Brandenburg
Award of Arms
2006-09-02 |
Atenveldt |
Geoffrey Scott
Pelican, Order o/t
2006-09-01 |
West |
Beatrix Funteyn
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
2006-08-26 |
Amerinda da Praga
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2006-08-25 |
Amerinda da Praga
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
2006-08-25 |
Amerinda da Praga
Grant of Arms
2006-08-25 |
Drachenwald |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Lune Bleue, l'Ordre de la (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2006-08-19 |
Marguerite Dinard
Laurel, Order o/t
2006-07-29 |
Outlands |
Abigail Kitchener
Throne's Favor of An Tir
2006-07-15 |
Abigail Kitchener
King's Favor (An TIr)
2006-07-15 |
Geoffrey Scott
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2006-07-01 |
Gotz von Totenberg
Grail of the Summits - Martial (An Tir/Summits)
2006-06-17 |
Gwenllyan verch Wilkin
Lune Bleue, l'Ordre de la (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2006-06-17 |
William Meriic
Keystone, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2006-06-10 |
Andreas von Meissen
Award of Arms
2006-05-28 |
Middle |
Eleanor Cleavely
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2006-05-06 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Laurel, Order o/t
2006-05-06 |
Atenveldt |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Sable Lion of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2006-04-22 |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Golden Pillar of Artemisia, Order o/t
2006-04-22 |
Gwyneth Felton
Beare of Northshield, Order o/t
2006-04-08 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Queen's Cypher, Award o/t (Northshield)
2006-04-08 |
William Cameron de Blakstan
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2006-04-08 |
Constanza de Talavera
Undine, Award o/t (Atlantia)
2006-04-01 |
Oksana Goncharova
Burdened Tyger, Award o/t (East)
2006-04-01 |
Constanza de Talavera
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
2006-03-17 |
Ines Alfon
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
2006-03-04 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2006-02-17 |
Atenveldt |
Aaron Carter
Golden Scarf, Order o/t (Artemisia)
2006-02-16 |
Xavier William Terrant
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2006-02-11 |
Mariel du Bois
Jeweled Ring, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2006-02-04 |
Wilhelm Meis
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
2006-01-28 |
Czina Angielczyka
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2006-01-21 |
Ian the Grene
Award of Arms
2006-01-21 |
Middle |
Redg the Leatherseller
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
2006-01-21 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Grant of Arms
2006-01-21 |
Dragon Crest (Middle) |
Alan Wacher of Skey
Award of Arms
2005-12-03 |
Atenveldt |
Catherine of Wessex
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2005-12-03 |
Eleanor Cleavely
Dragon's Scale, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
2005-11-13 |
Chiara della Luna
2005-11-12 |
Outlands |
Kerold Hoegaarden
2005-11-12 |
Outlands |
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Citizen of Gleann Abhann
2005-11-05 |
Eleanor Cleavely
Fleur de Soleil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2005-11-05 |
Giulia di Marco Gonzaga
Award of Arms
2005-11-05 |
Caid |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Pilgrim o/t Desert, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2005-11-05 |
Marguerite Dinard
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2005-10-29 |
Constance Elizabeth Campbell
Award of Arms
2005-10-29 |
West |
Faelan Caimbeul
Award of Arms
2005-10-29 |
West |
Jayne Cobham
Award of Arms
2005-10-01 |
Trimaris |
Constanza de Talavera
Sea Dragon, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2005-09-10 |
Erich von Ossenbrugge
Award of Arms
2005-09-10 |
Atlantia |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Golden Pheon, Order o/t (Outlands)
2005-09-03 |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2005-08-27 |
Wilhelm von Buch
Valor of the East, The Order of (East)
2005-08-17 |
Catherine of Wessex
Defender of the West (West)
2005-08-15 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Blood of Fenris (Atenveldt)
2005-07-23 |
Jaida de Leon
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
2005-07-23 |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Flower of the Desert, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2005-07-23 |
Caterina Giovanni
Award of Arms
2005-07-16 |
Meridies |
Orlando Giovanni
Award of Arms
2005-07-16 |
Meridies |
Mariel du Bois
Rams Heart, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2005-07-09 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Rams Heart, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2005-07-09 |
Halla Hvita Eldjarndottir
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2005-07-09 |
Czina Angielczyka
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2005-07-02 |
Leatherwork |
Redg the Leatherseller
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2005-07-02 |
Leatherwork |
William Cameron de Blakstan
Stag's Blood, Order o/t (Outlands)
2005-07-02 |
Marguerite Dinard
Flower, Order o/t (Outlands)
2005-07-02 |
Leonor Ruiz de Lison
Award of Arms
2005-06-25 |
Outlands |
Richard Stewart of Saint Andrews
Award of Arms
2005-06-25 |
Meridies |
Tatiana Verlioni
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2005-06-17 |
Sven Karlsson
Award of Arms
2005-05-28 |
Middle |
Catherine of Wessex
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2005-05-14 |
Chiara della Luna
Augmentation of Arms
2005-05-14 |
Outlands |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Augmentation of Arms
2005-05-14 |
Outlands |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2005-05-07 |
Gwyneth Felton
King's Cypher, Award o/t (Northshield)
2005-04-09 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
King's Cypher, Award o/t (Northshield)
2005-04-09 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Pilgrim of the Desert (Atenveldt)
2005-04-02 |
Eleanor Cleavely
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
2005-03-26 |
Oksana Goncharova
Golden Lyre, Award o/t (East)
2005-03-12 |
Chiara della Luna
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2005-03-05 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Cordon Royale (Outlands)
2005-03-05 |
Xavier William Terrant
Award of Arms
2005-02-12 |
Middle |
Bastian Eisengart
Keystone, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2005-01-22 |
Sonja Ryzaja
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
2005-01-15 |
Amerinda da Praga
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
2005-01-08 |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2005-01-08 |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Royal Recognition of Excellence (Caid)
2005-01-08 |
Gwenllyan verch Wilkin
Award of Arms
2004-12-11 |
Atenveldt |
Duncan ap Llywellyn
Crescent Sword, Order o/t (Caid)
2004-11-06 |
Mariana de Salamanca
Award of Arms
2004-11-06 |
Atlantia |
Constance Elizabeth Campbell
Award of Arms
2004-10-23 |
West |
Thomas Towlewardie
Coeur d'Ambre, L'Ordre du (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2004-10-23 |
Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
Award of Arms
2004-10-16 |
Caid |
Torquill mac Séamuis
Award of Arms
2004-10-16 |
Caid |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
White Scarf of Northshield, Order o/t
2004-10-16 |
Chiara della Luna
Cordon Royale (Outlands)
2004-10-09 |
Chiara della Luna
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2004-10-09 |
William Flanagan
Thegns and Bannthegns (Atenveldt)
2004-10-02 |
Avelyn Blakenye
Award of Arms
2004-09-18 |
Middle |
Sonja Ryzaja
Consort's Award of Esteem (East)
2004-09-11 |
Genevieve |
Beatrix Funteyn
Award of Arms
2004-09-11 |
Calontir |
Damiana al-Andalusiyya
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2004-09-11 |
Mariel du Bois
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
2004-09-04 |
Chiara della Luna
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2004-09-04 |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Treasure (West)
2004-08-28 |
Faelan Caimbeul
Defender of the West (West)
2004-08-28 |
Geoffrey Scott
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2004-08-28 |
West |
Eleanor Cleavely
Flower of the Desert, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2004-08-07 |
Tarasius of Galata
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
2004-07-24 |
Wilhelm Meis
Award of Arms
2004-07-24 |
Calontir |
Gelis of Iron Mountain
Cygnet's Nest, Order o/t (Meridies)
2004-07-17 |
Gwendolen McIver
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2004-07-17 |
Outlands |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Court Barony
2004-07-03 |
Drachenwald |
Juliana Avenel
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
2004-06-24 |
Anna Fernald
Award of Arms
2004-06-19 |
Drachenwald |
Jaida de Leon
Award of Arms
2004-06-19 |
Calontir |
Catherine of Wessex
Queen's Treasure (West)
2004-06-13 |
Catherine of Wessex
Dames de la Mer, Order o/t (West/Mists)
2004-05-15 |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2004-05-15 |
Catherine of Wessex
2004-05-15 |
Mists - West |
Geoffrey Scott
2004-05-15 |
Mists - West |
Chiara della Luna
Rose, Order o/t
2004-05-08 |
Outlands |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Bronze Ring, Order o/t (Middle)
2004-05-08 |
Chiara della Luna
2004-05-08 |
Outlands |
Kerold Hoegaarden
2004-05-08 |
Outlands |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2004-05-01 |
Francois la Flamme
Herald Extraordinary
2004-04-30 |
Estencele Pursuivant |
William Meriic
Award of Arms
2004-04-24 |
Ealdormere |
Daniel de Lincoln
Herald Extraordinary
2004-03-30 |
Troll Herald |
Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada
Herald Extraordinary
2004-03-30 |
Aldyrne Herald |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Court Barony
2004-03-19 |
Trimaris |
Catherine of Wessex
Pelican, Order o/t
2004-03-14 |
West |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
2004-03-13 |
Aaron Carter
Award of Arms
2004-02-13 |
Artemisia |
Marguerite Dinard
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2004-01-24 |
Ragnhildr Torvinn in Seidthkona
Award of Arms
2004-01-10 |
An Tir |
Ines Alfon
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2004-01-03 |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2003-12-19 |
Gotz von Totenberg
Astrolabe of Saint Brendan (An Tir/Summits)
2003-12-13 |
Halla Hvita Eldjarndottir
Award of Arms
2003-12-06 |
Middle |
Halla Hvita Eldjarndottir
Award of Arms
2003-11-22 |
Middle |
Gwendolen McIver
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2003-11-08 |
William Flanagan
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
2003-11-01 |
Eleanor Cleavely
Dragons Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
2003-10-25 |
Chiara della Luna
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2003-10-18 |
Outlands - Caerthe 7/7/2001-10/18/2003 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2003-10-18 |
Outlands - Caerthe 7/7/2001-10/18/2003 |
Gwyneth Felton
Prince's Cypher (Middle/Northshield)
2003-10-04 |
Gwyneth Felton
Princess' Cypher (Middle/Northshield)
2003-10-04 |
Jean Paul de Sens
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2003-10-04 |
Rhys ap Idwal
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
2003-09-20 |
Chiara della Luna
Stag, Order o/t (Outlands)
2003-09-13 |
Zoryna Prazan
Award of Arms
2003-09-06 |
Outlands |
Catherine of Wessex
Corolla Aulica, The (West/Mists)
2003-08-23 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2003-08-23 |
Gwyneth Felton
Kingdom Augmentation of Arms (Middle)
2003-08-16 |
Gabriel of Maccuswell
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2003-08-15 |
East |
Rowena of Avalon
Pelican, Order o/t
2003-08-15 |
Artemisia |
Daria von Drachenwald
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2003-08-14 |
Atlantia |
Fiacha the Blue
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
2003-07-19 |
Serena Lascelles
Herald Extraordinary
2003-06-28 |
Blanc Gryffon Herald |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Sigillum Coronae - King & Queen (Drachenwald)
2003-06-20 |
Brianna Talbot
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
2003-06-14 |
Connor MacGillivray
Golden Rapier, Order o/t (East)
2003-06-14 |
Melisande de Frayne
Lux Caidis, Order o/t (Caid)
2003-05-31 |
Cooking |
Tobias of Emerickeskepe
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
2003-05-24 |
Abigail Kitchener
Argent Palm, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2003-05-23 |
Jhone MacLachlan
Argent Palm, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2003-05-23 |
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Grant of Arms
2003-05-23 |
Meridies |
Gunthar Jonsson
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2003-05-03 |
Jonathon |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Thegns and Bannthegns (Atenveldt)
2003-05-03 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Fleur de Soleil, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2003-05-03 |
Mariel du Bois
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
2003-04-26 |
Gwyneth Felton
Award of Arms
2003-04-19 |
Middle |
Naima bint Rashid al-Andalusiyya
Award of Arms
2003-04-12 |
Artemisia |
Naima bint Rashid al-Andalusiyya
Gryphon and Pheon, Order o/t (Artemisia)
2003-04-12 |
Mariel du Bois
Compostella, Order o/t (Meridies)
2003-04-05 |
Czina Angielczyka
Award of Arms
2003-03-14 |
Trimaris |
Redg the Leatherseller
Award of Arms
2003-03-14 |
Trimaris |
Gwyneth Felton
Northern Cross (Middle/Northshield)
2003-02-22 |
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Golden Sea Lion, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Seleone)
2003-02-22 |
Tobias of Emerickeskepe
Golden Sea Lion, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Seleone)
2003-02-22 |
Gregor Elfingstone
Award of Arms
2003-02-01 |
East |
Catherine Barbary
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
2003-02-01 |
Haraldr Bassi
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
2003-02-01 |
Oksana Goncharova
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
2003-02-01 |
Gaston de Clermont
Friendly Castle, Order o/t (West/Cynagua)
2003-01-25 |
Gaston de Clermont
Scutiferus Cynaguae (West/Cynagua)
2003-01-25 |
Damiana al-Andalusiyya
Gilded Leaf of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2003-01-04 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
2003-01-04 |
Ines Alfon
Award of Arms
2003-01-04 |
Outlands |
Prudence the Curious
Golden Lyre, Award o/t (East)
2002-12-14 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
2002-12-07 |
Chiara della Luna
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2002-11-09 |
Gunthar Jonsson
Beacon of the Desert (Atenveldt)
2002-11-09 |
Mariel du Bois
Diamond, Order o/t (Meridies/Gleann Abhann)
2002-11-02 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Argent Keystone, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2002-11-02 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Augmentation of Arms
2002-11-02 |
Atenveldt |
Mariel du Bois
2002-11-02 |
Gleann Abhann - Meridies |
Rey Ribeaumont
2002-11-02 |
Gleann Abhann - Meridies |
Mihil von Brandenburg
Silver Nautilus, Award o/t (Atlantia)
2002-10-26 |
Gwendolen McIver
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2002-10-12 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Stag, Order o/t (Outlands)
2002-10-12 |
Amaris Marinaro
Award of Arms
2002-09-01 |
Caid |
Adian McRay
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2002-08-24 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2002-08-24 |
Adian McRay
Award of Arms
2002-08-24 |
Drachenwald |
Drahomira von Augsburg
Award of Arms
2002-08-24 |
Outlands |
Robert Michael McPharlan
Consort's Order of Courtesy (East)
2002-08-15 |
East |
Ronan mac Aodha Ciotach
Award of Arms
2002-07-20 |
An Tir |
Katherine Constancia da Feltre
Herald Extraordinary
2002-07-06 |
Cross Flury Herald |
Úlfeiðr á Þróndheimi
Azure Archers of Atenveldt
2002-06-29 |
Gotz von Totenberg
Award of Arms
2002-06-22 |
An Tir |
Mihil von Brandenburg
Award of Arms
2002-06-22 |
Atlantia |
Catherine of Wessex
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2002-06-02 |
Geoffrey Scott
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
2002-06-02 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Crwth, Order o/t (Northshield)
2002-06-01 |
Brianna Talbot
Award of Arms
2002-05-11 |
Calontir |
Gwyneth Felton
Iron Watch (Middle/Northshield)
2002-05-04 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2002-05-04 |
Gwendolen McIver
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2002-04-13 |
Gabriel of Maccuswell
Tygers Combatant, Order o/t (East)
2002-03-23 |
William Flanagan
Guardians of Atenveldt
2002-03-02 |
Rhys ap Idwal
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
2002-02-09 |
Stefan le Sanglier
Award of Arms
2002-02-09 |
Meridies |
Bronwen Lorelle
2002-01-26 |
Cynagua - West |
Agostina Elisabetta da San Germano
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2002-01-12 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2002-01-05 |
Therasia von Tux
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2002-01-05 |
West |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Golden Dolphin, Order o/t (Atlantia)
2002-01-05 |
William FitzBubba
Pelican, Order o/t
2002-01-05 |
East |
Bernard the Nameless
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
2001-11-12 |
West |
Gwendolen McIver
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2001-11-10 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Cordon Royale (Outlands)
2001-11-10 |
Damiana al-Andalusiyya
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2001-10-20 |
Abigail Kitchener
Mano d'Oro (An Tir)
2001-10-06 |
Eva Helena Vettori
Award of Arms
2001-09-28 |
Meridies |
Abe no Murasaki
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2001-09-22 |
Abe no Murasaki
Award of Arms
2001-09-22 |
Drachenwald |
Abe no Saburou Sadasuke (alt.)
Award of Arms
2001-09-22 |
Drachenwald |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Cavendish Knot, Order o/t (Middle)
2001-09-01 |
Geoffrey Scott
Corolla Muralis, The (West/Mists)
2001-07-15 |
Megen Paget
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2001-07-14 |
weaving |
Gaston de Clermont
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2001-07-14 |
West |
Agostina Elisabetta da San Germano
Bard's Laureate, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2001-06-30 |
Masque |
Audette des Grenouilles
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
2001-06-02 |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Pelican, Order o/t
2001-05-25 |
Drachenwald |
Adria Lorelle
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Aiden Wolfden
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Annais Eleanor de Montgomerie
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Anya Gordon Lamont
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Anya of Eldern Hills
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Arabella Mackinnon
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Armand de Chartres
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Artorius ap Caradoc
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Barn Silveraxe
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Caron Caleb
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Catrin MacCracken
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Donovan Fitzpatrick
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Elayne MacDuncan
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Eldern Hills, Barony of the
Royal Recognition of Excellence (Caid)
Jurgen von Bayern
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Katrionna Heather MacLochlainn
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Lucais du Belier
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Magnus Finehair Duffus
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Mellilah Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Meraud de Dun Carraig
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Michel mac Donnchaid
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Rory O'Rourke
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Sabiha al-Zarqa' bint Hakim al-'Attar
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Shawn of Colquhoun
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Tadhg mac Aedain Ui Chonchobhair
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Tessa de Lyon
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
Ulf Gunnarsson
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Valery of Eldern Hills
Queen's Personal Recognition (Caid)
Wolfgang von dem Schwartzwald
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
William FitzBubba
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
2001-05-05 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2001-04-28 |
Damiana al-Andalusiyya
Award of Arms
2001-04-14 |
Outlands |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2001-04-14 |
Melisande de Frayne
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
2001-03-24 |
Culinary Arts |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Grant of Arms
2001-03-16 |
Trimaris |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Argent Sword of Trimaris, Order o/t
2001-03-16 |
Audette des Grenouilles
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
2001-02-24 |
Gwendolen McIver
Flower, Order o/t (Outlands)
2001-02-18 |
Morgan Cely Cain
Iren Feran, Award o/t (Calontir)
2001-02-17 |
Rebecca von Buchheim
Argent Estoile, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2001-02-10 |
Rebecca von Buchheim
Award of Arms
2001-02-10 |
Trimaris |
Catherine Barbary
Award of Arms
2001-02-03 |
East |
Gaston de Clermont
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
2001-01-27 |
Geoffrey Scott
Princess' Riband, The (West/Oertha)
2001-01-21 |
Maili Donnel MacGregor
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2001-01-20 |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
2001-01-06 |
Gaston de Clermont
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2001-01-06 |
Captain |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2001-01-06 |
Caterina Fregoso
Laurel, Order o/t
2001-01-06 |
Outlands |
Jonathan ap Morgan
Herald Extraordinary
2000-12-30 |
William Flanagan
Sable Axe, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
2000-12-29 |
William Flanagan
Sable Axe, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2000-12-29 |
Rebecca von Buchheim
Golden Galleon, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2000-12-09 |
Mateo Montero de Madrid
Award of Arms
2000-12-09 |
Middle |
Agostina Elisabetta da San Germano
Argent Estoile, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2000-11-25 |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
2000-11-18 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Stag's Heart, Order o/t (Outlands)
2000-11-11 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
2000-11-04 |
William Flanagan
Hawk's Lure, Commander o/t (Atenveldt)
2000-11-04 |
Úlfeiðr á Þróndheimi
Crimson Mace, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
2000-10-29 |
Mariel du Bois
Silver Ram, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann)
2000-10-28 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
2000-10-21 |
Siubhan MacDuff
Silver Stirrup, Order o/t (Outlands)
2000-10-14 |
Chiara della Luna
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2000-10-07 |
Magor Tsgan Luu
Award of Arms
2000-10-07 |
Caid |
William FitzBubba
Consort's Cypher (East)
2000-09-30 |
Therasia von Tux
Laurel, Order o/t
2000-09-30 |
West |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2000-09-09 |
Rebecca von Buchheim
Golden Galleon, Order o/t (Trimaris)
2000-09-02 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2000-08-26 |
Geoffrey Scott
Defender of the West (West)
2000-08-17 |
Gaston de Clermont
Courtesia, Order of La (West/Cynagua)
2000-07-15 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Sapphire, Award o/t (Middle)
2000-07-15 |
Kevin MacColin O'Gallagher
Award of Arms
2000-07-15 |
Caid |
Fiacha the Blue
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
2000-07-15 |
Katrina of York
Keystone, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
2000-07-08 |
Gwyneth Felton
Prince's Cypher (Middle/Northshield)
2000-06-24 |
Gwyneth Felton
Princess' Cypher (Middle/Northshield)
2000-06-24 |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
2000-06-24 |
Rhys ap Idwal
Award of Arms
2000-06-24 |
Middle |
Juliana Avenel
Laurel, Order o/t
2000-06-14 |
Calontir |
Chiara della Luna
Award of Arms
2000-05-28 |
Outlands |
Caterina Fregoso
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
2000-05-13 |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Royal Vanguard, Order o/t (Middle)
2000-04-15 |
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
2000-04-08 |
Mariel du Bois
Grant of Arms
2000-04-01 |
Meridies |
William Flanagan
Azure Chalice (Atenveldt)
2000-03-18 |
Anna Fernald
Dragon's Jewel, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
2000-03-04 |
Arenvald Kief av Kiersted
Herald Extraordinary
2000-02-29 |
Gullinkambi Herald |
Donal O Dochartaigh
Herald Extraordinary
2000-02-29 |
Argent Panthere Herald |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
2000-02-05 |
Middle |
Siubhan MacDuff
Stag, Order o/t (Outlands)
2000-01-29 |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
2000-01-08 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
2000-01-08 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
2000-01-08 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Aspen of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
2000-01-08 |
Geoffrey Scott
Corolla Vitae, The (West/Mists)
1999-11-20 |
Rowena of Avalon
Jewel of Alces, Order o/t (Artemisia - Arn Hold)
1999-11-20 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
1999-11-13 |
Agostina Elisabetta da San Germano
Award of Arms
1999-11-13 |
Trimaris |
Georges le Breton
Award of Arms
1999-10-30 |
Meridies |
Thomas Towlewardie
Fleur de Soleil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1999-10-24 |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Royal Vanguard, Order o/t (Middle)
1999-09-25 |
Geoffrey Scott
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1999-09-18 |
Abigail Kitchener
Whimsical Order of the Ailing Wit (An Tir)
1999-09-04 |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Silver Shield of Trimaris, Order o/t
1999-09-04 |
Abigail Kitchener
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1999-09-04 |
Úlfeiðr á Þróndheimi
Lune Bleue, l'Ordre de la (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
1999-08-21 |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
1999-08-19 |
Gwyneth Felton
Grant of Arms
1999-08-19 |
Middle |
Haraldr Bassi
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1999-08-18 |
Daria von Drachenwald
Silver Nautilus, Award o/t (Atlantia)
1999-07-10 |
Daria von Drachenwald
Award of Arms
1999-07-10 |
Atlantia |
Thomas Towlewardie
Silver Cap, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
1999-06-21 |
Honor of Restormel
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1999-06-19 |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1999-06-19 |
Robin of Restormel
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1999-06-19 |
Geoffrey Scott
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
1999-06-19 |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Grant of Arms
1999-06-19 |
Drachenwald |
Airaklee Wolf
Scroll of Honor (Middle/Northshield)
1999-06-12 |
Gwyneth Felton
Sheriff, Order o/t (Middle/Northshield)
1999-05-22 |
Honor of Restormel
Pelican, Order o/t
1999-05-14 |
Drachenwald |
Gaston de Clermont
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1999-05-01 |
Jhone MacLachlan
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1999-04-24 |
Sancha Galindo de Toledo
Award of Arms
1999-04-23 |
Atenveldt |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1999-04-10 |
Drachenwald |
Mariel du Bois
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1999-03-27 |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1999-03-20 |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1999-03-20 |
Gwyneth Felton
Pelican, Order o/t
1999-03-20 |
Middle |
Rey Ribeaumont
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1999-03-11 |
Meridies |
Siubhan MacDuff
Trefoil, Order o/t (Outlands)
1999-03-06 |
Barekr Bjorgeirson
Award of Arms
1999-02-13 |
Middle |
Katarina von Danzig
Award of Arms
1999-02-13 |
Middle |
Connor MacGillivray
Award of Arms
1999-01-23 |
East |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1999-01-23 |
Gaston de Clermont
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1999-01-02 |
Gwendolen McIver
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
1998-12-19 |
Gwyneth Felton
Pyxis, Award o/t (Middle/Northshield)
1998-12-12 |
Gwyneth Felton
Royal Augmentation of Arms (Middle)
1998-12-12 |
Rowena of Avalon
King's Council of Artemisia (Artemisia)
1998-11-28 |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Grant of Arms
1998-11-07 |
Atlantia |
Annis at Roseberry
Award of Arms
1998-10-10 |
Atenveldt |
Sverrir Valtorsson
Award of Arms
1998-10-10 |
Atenveldt |
Kaia Hansdottir
Grant of Arms
1998-10-10 |
Artemisia |
Gabriel of Maccuswell
Sovereign's Cypher (East)
1998-10-03 |
Timothy II |
Sonja Ryzaja
Consort's Cypher (East)
1998-10-03 |
Gabrielle II |
Abigail Kitchener
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
1998-10-03 |
Sorcha ni Fhaolain
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1998-10-03 |
Katrina of York
Award of Arms
1998-09-26 |
Aethelmearc |
Prudence the Curious
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1998-09-26 |
Gabriel of Maccuswell
Award of Arms
1998-09-12 |
East |
Caterina Fregoso
Flower, Order o/t (Outlands)
1998-09-12 |
Merewyn Gray
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
1998-09-12 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1998-09-12 |
Outlands |
Thomas Towlewardie
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1998-09-05 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1998-08-29 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1998-08-22 |
Audette des Grenouilles
Award of Arms
1998-08-19 |
An Tir |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Pelican, Order o/t
1998-08-14 |
Middle |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1998-08-13 |
Gideon MacLeod
Tygers Combatant, Order o/t (East)
1998-08-13 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Defenders o/t White Scarf (Atenveldt)*
1998-08-01 |
Selene Vereneau
Award of Arms
1998-07-25 |
East |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Grant of Arms
1998-07-18 |
Meridies |
Constanza de Talavera
Award of Arms
1998-07-17 |
AEthelmearc |
Caitrin O'Sullivan of Killarney Lake
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1998-07-11 |
Sonja Ryzaja
Award of Arms
1998-07-11 |
East |
Rey Ribeaumont
Compostella, Order o/t (Meridies)
1998-06-27 |
Mariel du Bois
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1998-06-20 |
Survivors of the Great Storm |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1998-06-13 |
Gregory Whitehawk
Sable Harps, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1998-06-05 |
Gaston de Clermont
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1998-05-23 |
Gwendolen McIver
Queen's Cypher (Outlands)
1998-04-25 |
Mariel du Bois
Award of Arms
1998-04-25 |
Meridies |
Rey Ribeaumont
Legio Ursi, Order o/t (Meridies)
1998-04-04 |
Melisande de Frayne
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1998-03-28 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1998-03-07 |
Úlfeiðr á Þróndheimi
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1998-03-07 |
William Flanagan
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1998-03-07 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1998-03-07 |
Úlfeiðr á Þróndheimi
Award of Arms
1998-03-07 |
Atenveldt |
Gaston de Clermont
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1998-01-31 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Grant of Arms
1998-01-10 |
Atenveldt |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Dragon's Steel, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1998-01-03 |
Willoc mac Muiredaig
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
1998-01-03 |
Gwendolen McIver
Russian Thistle of al-Barran, Order o/t (Outlands - al-Barran)
1997-12-20 |
Gwyneth Felton
Dragon's Barb, Order o/t (Middle)
1997-12-13 |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black
Court Barony
1997-12-13 |
Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus 4/1995-12/1997 |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Argent Morningstar of Trimaris, Order o/t
1997-11-15 |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Dragon's Heart, Order o/t (Middle)
1997-11-15 |
Tomas Niallagain
Award of Arms
1997-11-08 |
Meridies |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1997-10-25 |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Augmentation of Arms
1997-10-25 |
Drachenwald |
Rey Ribeaumont
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
1997-10-25 |
Gwyneth Felton
Dragon's Heart, Order o/t (Middle)
1997-10-25 |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Red Company, Order o/t (Middle)
1997-09-20 |
Cristobal Vazquez de Tarragona
Award of Arms
1997-09-20 |
Middle |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Sable Lion of Caerthe, Order o/t (Outlands - Caerthe)
1997-09-20 |
Mariel du Bois
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1997-09-13 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1997-09-13 |
Jean Fernald de Sevigny
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1997-09-13 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Laurel, Order o/t
1997-09-06 |
Atenveldt |
Jeanne Marie la Verriere
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1997-08-31 |
Stained Glass |
Thomas Towlewardie
Lune Bleue, l'Ordre de la (Atenveldt - Twin Moons)
1997-08-23 |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
1997-08-14 |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1997-08-02 |
Abigail Kitchener
Award of Arms
1997-07-27 |
An Tir |
Lynn the Inquisitive
Award of Arms
1997-07-25 |
Atenveldt |
Honor of Restormel
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1997-07-19 |
Gaston de Clermont
Cynaguan Guard (West/Cynagua)
1997-07-12 |
Robin of Restormel
Award of Arms
1997-06-28 |
Drachenwald |
Thomas Towlewardie
Eye of the Eagle, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1997-06-21 |
Steibhian Cridhe dubh Cu Locksley
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1997-06-07 |
Lynn the Inquisitive
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1997-04-26 |
Robin of Restormel
Dragon's Jewel, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1997-04-12 |
Angelica Winter of the Willows
Award of Arms
1997-04-12 |
Atenveldt |
John Peregrine of Restormel
Award of Arms
1997-03-15 |
Drachenwald |
Jhone MacLachlan
Award of Arms
1997-03-08 |
An Tir |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1997-03-01 |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1997-03-01 |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Laurel, Order o/t
1997-03-01 |
Atenveldt |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Pelican, Order o/t
1997-03-01 |
Atenveldt |
Gaston de Clermont
Cynaguan Guard (West/Cynagua)
1997-02-01 |
Rosario Incarboni
Legion of Gallantry (Outlands)
1997-01-31 |
Amalia Zavattini
Award of Arms
1997-01-25 |
Middle |
Melisande de Frayne
Award of Arms
1997-01-11 |
Caid |
Honor of Restormel
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1997-01-04 |
Meliora Rhydderch
Award of Arms
1997-01-04 |
Calontir |
Angelica Winter of the Willows
Silver Morion, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1996-12-15 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Dragon's Heart, Order o/t (Middle)
1996-11-30 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Argent Shield, Order o/t (Meridies)
1996-11-23 |
Haraldr Bassi
Award of Arms
1996-11-23 |
East |
Oksana Goncharova
Award of Arms
1996-11-23 |
East |
Thomas Towlewardie
Eye of the Eagle, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1996-11-16 |
Gwyneth Felton
Persephone's Circle, Order of (Middle/Northshield)
1996-11-09 |
Caterina Fregoso
Argent Hart, Order o/t (Outlands)
1996-11-09 |
Gwyneth Felton
Doe's Grace, Award o/t (Middle)
1996-11-09 |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Stag's Blood, Order o/t (Outlands)
1996-11-09 |
Gwyneth Felton
1996-11-09 |
Northshield - Middle |
Rixende de Rouen
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1996-10-12 |
William FitzBubba
Grant of Arms
1996-10-12 |
East |
Sofia Mikhailovna
Pelican, Order o/t
1996-10-12 |
Atenveldt |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1996-09-29 |
Evelyn du Monde
Burning Trumpet, Order o/t (Meridies)
1996-08-31 |
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona
Calon Cross, Order o/t (Calontir)
1996-08-31 |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Red Company, Order o/t (Middle)
1996-08-16 |
Gaston de Clermont
Award of Arms
1996-08-14 |
Æthelmarc |
Gaston de Clermont
Golden Alce, Order o/t (Æthelmearc)
1996-08-14 |
Rey Ribeaumont
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1996-08-10 |
Rowena of Avalon
Laurel, Order o/t
1996-08-04 |
Atenveldt |
Honor of Restormel
Award of Arms
1996-07-27 |
Drachenwald |
Da'ud ibn Auda
Herald Extraordinary
1996-06-30 |
al-Jamal Herald |
Willoc mac Muiredaig
Award of Arms
1996-06-29 |
Calontir |
Honor of Restormel
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
1996-06-22 |
Thomas Towlewardie
Award of Arms
1996-06-22 |
Atenveldt |
Tobias of Emerickeskepe
Award of Arms
1996-06-08 |
Meridies |
William Flanagan
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1996-05-11 |
Gregory Whitehawk
Sable Chevronels, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1996-04-27 |
Mahearra Ad'Lauria d'Hexam
Award of Arms
1996-04-27 |
Middle |
Kerold Hoegaarden
Award of Arms
1996-04-14 |
Outlands |
Amra Shieldsplitter
Award of Arms
1996-03-30 |
Middle |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Pelican, Order o/t
1996-02-18 |
Atenveldt |
Fergus Khan
Award of Arms
1996-02-10 |
Meridies |
Rixende de Rouen
Award of Arms
1996-02-10 |
Meridies |
Takayama Rikyu
Award of Arms
1996-01-27 |
Middle |
Geoffrey Scott
Award of Arms
1995-11-18 |
West |
Gregory Whitehawk
Silver Morion, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1995-10-29 |
Percival Beaumont
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
1995-10-14 |
Percival Beaumont
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1995-10-14 |
Geoffrey Rufus d'Alton
Court Barony
1995-09-16 |
Atlantia |
Evelyn du Monde
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1995-09-02 |
Ariella Christine d'Ailles
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1995-08-16 |
Tadhg mac Aedain Ui Chonchobhair
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1995-08-16 |
Lir Mounte of Aukengrave
Award of Arms
1995-07-29 |
Atenveldt |
Mordock von Rugen
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1995-07-29 |
Carving drinking horns |
Wayland of Durlach
Award of Arms
1995-07-22 |
Outlands |
Gera von Roer
Solar Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1995-07-15 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1995-07-08 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
1995-07-01 |
Juliana Avenel
Calon Lily, Order o/t (Calontir)
1995-06-16 |
Needlework |
Juliana Avenel
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
1995-06-03 |
Research |
Kaitlyn McKenna
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1995-05-27 |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Gray Beard, Order o/t (Trimaris)
1995-05-27 |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1995-05-26 |
Evelyn du Monde
Argent Comet, Order o/t (Meridies)
1995-05-13 |
Catherine of Wessex
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
1995-05-06 |
Geoffrey Scott
Consort's Favor (West/Mists)
1995-05-06 |
Marie da Serra da Estrela
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1995-04-29 |
West |
Robert de Fecamp
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1995-04-29 |
West |
Therasia von Tux
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
1995-04-29 |
Calligraphy |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black
Sable Chevronels, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1995-04-23 |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black
Silver Thunderbolt, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1995-04-22 |
Gregory Whitehawk
Silver Thunderbolt, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Mons Tonitrus)
1995-04-22 |
Sofia Mikhailovna
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1995-04-02 |
Steibhian Cridhe dubh Cu Locksley
Award of Arms
1995-02-16 |
Atenveldt |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Crescent, Order o/t (Caid)
1994-12-31 |
Kaia Hansdottir
Gryphon's Heart of Artemisia
1994-12-10 |
Gera von Roer
Award of Arms
1994-12-05 |
Atenveldt |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
Solar Leaf of the Sun, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1994-11-19 |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
Prince's Sigil o/t Sun (Atenveldt/Sun)
1994-11-19 |
Sofia Mikhailovna
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1994-11-19 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
1994-11-19 |
Sun - Atenveldt |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
1994-11-19 |
Sun - Atenveldt |
Ettienne du Valmont
Award of Arms
1994-11-12 |
Middle |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1994-10-29 |
Period garb |
Rey Ribeaumont
Award of Arms
1994-10-29 |
Meridies |
Sayyida Marajil Abbasa bint Ibrahim
Cross and Serpent, Order o/t (Trimaris - An Crosaire)
1994-10-15 |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Sable Gryphon, Order o/t (Meridies - Thor's Mountain)
1994-10-14 |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black
Fanged Wolf, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1994-09-18 |
Evelyn du Monde
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1994-09-03 |
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona
Calon Lily, Order o/t (Calontir)
1994-08-27 |
Costuming |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
1994-07-09 |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Athanor, Order o/t (Meridies)
1994-07-02 |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black
Award of Arms
1994-06-25 |
Atenveldt |
Bernard the Nameless
Grant of Arms
1994-06-19 |
West |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Signum Regni (Caid)
1994-06-04 |
Aria de Chatillon
Laurel, Order o/t
1994-05-29 |
Atlantia |
Jeanne Marie la Verriere
Award of Arms
1994-05-28 |
Caid |
Clarissa di Firenze
Court Barony
1994-04-30 |
East |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1994-03-26 |
Catherine Greyeyes
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1994-03-26 |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1994-03-26 |
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1994-03-26 |
Sven Karlsson
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1994-03-05 |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Laurel, Order o/t
1994-02-19 |
Atenveldt |
Sayyida Marajil Abbasa bint Ibrahim
Award of Arms
1994-02-05 |
Trimaris |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
1994-01-22 |
Kathreenah Demetris
Award of Arms
1994-01-14 |
Middle |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1994-01-08 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Sigillum Coronnae - Queen (Drachenwald)
1994-01-01 |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1994-01-01 |
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1994-01-01 |
Drachenwald |
Tadhg mac Aedain Ui Chonchobhair
Queen's Order of Courtesy (Atlantia)
1993-12-18 |
Gwyneth Felton
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1993-12-11 |
Rowena of Avalon
Grant of Arms
1993-12-04 |
Atenveldt |
Catherine Greyeyes
Grant of Arms
1993-11-27 |
Drachenwald |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Dagger, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1993-11-21 |
Rowena of Avalon
Maple Leaf of Artemisia, Order o/t*
1993-11-20 |
Sofia Mikhailovna
Award of Arms
1993-11-20 |
Atenveldt |
Prudence the Curious
Burdened Tyger, Award o/t (East)
1993-10-09 |
Prudence the Curious
Award of Arms
1993-10-09 |
East |
Reynard the Brown
Royal Vanguard, Order o/t (Middle)
1993-10-02 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Royal Vanguard, Order o/t (Middle)
1993-10-02 |
Sofia Mikhailovna
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1993-09-28 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1993-09-25 |
Hakon de Decker
Legion of Gallantry (Outlands)
Aria de Chatillon
Rose, Order o/t
1993-09-04 |
Atlantia |
Sven Karlsson
Award of Arms
1993-09-04 |
Atenveldt |
Aria de Chatillon
1993-09-04 |
Atlantia |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
1993-09-04 |
Atenveldt |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Pelican, Order o/t
1993-08-28 |
Atenveldt |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1993-07-24 |
Gwyneth Felton
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1993-07-17 |
Aquila Jessica Grace
Pelican, Order o/t
1993-07-17 |
Atenveldt |
Lyonel Oliver Grace
Pelican, Order o/t
1993-07-17 |
Atenveldt |
Tokugawa Basha
Award of Arms
1993-07-10 |
Calontir |
Evelyn du Monde
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1993-07-03 |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1993-07-03 |
Drachenwald |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Laurel, Order o/t
1993-06-26 |
Atenveldt |
Aquila Jessica Grace
Court Barony
1993-06-19 |
Atenveldt - 1000 Eyes 6/1991-6/1993 |
Lyonel Oliver Grace
Court Barony
1993-06-19 |
Atenveldt - 1000 Eyes 6/1991-6/1993 |
Rhodri ap Gwythyr
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
Adelaide de Beaumont
Sigillum Principae (Drachenwald)
1993-06-05 |
Caradoc Cadwgan Douglas
Argent Palm, Order o/t (Trimaris)
1993-05-30 |
Wilhelm von Buch
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1993-05-30 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Dagger, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1993-05-15 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Sword of the Sun, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1993-05-15 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Prince's Sigil o/t Sun (Atenveldt/Sun)
1993-05-15 |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1993-05-08 |
Angus MacRae
Dragon's Jewel, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1993-03-13 |
Bernard the Nameless
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1993-03-13 |
Angus MacRae
Award of Arms
1993-03-13 |
Drachenwald - East |
Bernard the Nameless
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1993-03-13 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1993-03-06 |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
King's Sigil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1993-03-06 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1993-02-14 |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1993-02-14 |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Award of Arms
1993-02-13 |
Meridies |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1993-02-06 |
Daniel de Lincoln
Award of Arms
1993-01-16 |
Middle |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Esprit de Soleil, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1993-01-16 |
Nerak la Tisserande
Guiding Hand of Meridies, Order o/t
1993-01-10 |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Sigillum Principis (Drachenwald)
1993-01-09 |
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1993-01-09 |
Juliana Avenel
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1993-01-02 |
Rhys Stevynson
Award of Arms
1992-12-14 |
Middle |
Tadhg mac Aedain Ui Chonchobhair
King's Award of Excellence (Atlantia)
1992-11-14 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Hawk's Lure, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1992-11-07 |
Jessimond of Emerickeskepe
Award of Arms
1992-11-06 |
Meridies |
Ysenda de Gray
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1992-10-31 |
Egan Blackwolf
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1992-10-27 |
Caradoc Cadwgan Douglas
Award of Arms
1992-10-24 |
Trimaris |
Raisya Khorivovna
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1992-10-17 |
Ciar nic Ruadain O'Seachnasaigh
Poet Laureate, Companionate o/t (Meridies)
1992-10-10 |
John Bearkiller V |
William FitzBubba
Award of Arms
1992-10-10 |
East |
Margaret ny Connor
Rose, Order o/t
1992-10-03 |
East |
Cynesige of Caernarfon
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1992-10-03 |
West |
Margaret ny Connor
Patent of Arms
1992-10-03 |
East |
Margaret ny Connor
1992-10-03 |
East |
Aodhan Ite an Fhithich
Herald Extraordinary
1992-09-30 |
Dobharchu Herald |
Megen Paget
Award of Arms
1992-09-19 |
Caid |
Hannah he Metoikos
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1992-09-12 |
Atlantia |
Hannah he Metoikos
Grant of Arms
1992-09-12 |
Atlantia |
Anne of Ayr
Leaping Stag, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Outlands)
1992-09-05 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1992-08-29 |
Egan Blackwolf
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1992-08-29 |
Meghan MacLachlan
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1992-08-12 |
Rowena of Avalon
Fleur de Soleil, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1992-08-01 |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1992-07-30 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1992-07-25 |
William Flanagan
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1992-07-19 |
Atenveldt |
Gwendolyn McCuen
Award of Arms
1992-06-27 |
Caid |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1992-06-20 |
Catherine Greyeyes
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1992-06-20 |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1992-06-20 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1992-06-20 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Fanged Wolf, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1992-05-16 |
Moreg Cochrane
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1992-05-16 |
Rowena of Avalon
Award of Arms
1992-05-02 |
Atenveldt |
Gideon MacLeod
Award of Arms
1992-04-01 |
Atlantia |
Robert de Fecamp
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1992-03-22 |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Albion, King's/Prince's Order o/t Companions of (Drachenwald)
1992-03-21 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Pelican, Order o/t
1992-03-21 |
East |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1992-03-07 |
Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry
Laurel, Order o/t
1992-03-07 |
Trimaris |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Queen's Cypher (Atenveldt)
1992-02-14 |
Percival Beaumont
Award of Arms
1992-01-18 |
Calontir |
Angus MacNokard
Award of Arms
1992-01-11 |
Middle |
Geoffrey Charles Hawkwood
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1992-01-04 |
Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1992-01-04 |
Cynesige of Caernarfon
Award of Arms
1992-01-04 |
West |
Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
1991-12-28 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-11-16 |
Egan Blackwolf
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-10-31 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Doe's Grace, Award o/t (Middle)
1991-10-12 |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Tygers Combatant, Order o/t (East)
1991-10-05 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Sable Axe, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1991-09-25 |
Ama Ryah hap Illys de Visclo
Award of Arms
1991-09-14 |
Meridies |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1991-09-14 |
Therasia von Tux
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
1991-08-24 |
Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry
Court Barony
1991-08-24 |
Trimaris |
Ansteorra, Kingdom of
Shark's Tooth, Award o/t (Atlantia)
1991-08-17 |
Pennsic XX |
Tamlin du Bois Vert
Laurel, Order o/t
1991-08-17 |
East |
Gwyneth Felton
Award of Arms
1991-08-15 |
Middle |
Michael de la Mare
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1991-08-15 |
Meridies |
Tadhg mac Aedain Ui Chonchobhair
Award of Arms
1991-08-14 |
Atlantia |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1991-08-13 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1991-08-13 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1991-08-13 |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-08-11 |
Adella de Tourlaville
Award of Arms
1991-08-03 |
Outlands |
Michael de la Mare
Axe of Axemoor, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Axemoor)
1991-08-03 |
Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
1991-07-20 |
Tadhg Liath
Herald Extraordinary
1991-06-30 |
Hanaper Herald |
Catherine Greyeyes
Edelweiss (formerly Margeurite), Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1991-06-22 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1991-06-22 |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1991-06-22 |
Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1991-06-22 |
Catherine Greyeyes
1991-06-22 |
Drachenwald - East |
Cian Conor McQuaid
1991-06-22 |
Drachenwald - East |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Signum Regni (Caid)
1991-06-01 |
Ivan Howard of Hightower
Award of Arms
1991-06-01 |
Atenveldt |
Katherine Mariana O'Malley
Award of Arms
1991-06-01 |
Atenveldt |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1991-05-19 |
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1991-05-18 |
Margaret ny Connor
Award of Arms
1991-05-11 |
East |
Therasia von Tux
Queen's Guard, The (West)
1991-05-04 |
Meraud de Dun Carraig
Award of Arms
1991-05-04 |
Atlantia |
Rune Brynhildardottir
Award of Arms
1991-05-04 |
Middle |
Meghan MacLachlan
Award of Arms
1991-04-27 |
Atlantia |
Steffan Marden
Award of Arms
1991-04-20 |
Middle |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1991-04-14 |
Gideon MacLeod
Award of Arms
1991-04-06 |
East |
William Flanagan
Hawk's Lure, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1991-04-03 |
Miriam of Bristol
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1991-03-27 |
Miriam of Bristol
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1991-03-27 |
Miriam of Bristol
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1991-03-27 |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Solar Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-03-09 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Solar Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-03-09 |
Lyonel Oliver Grace
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1991-03-02 |
Atenveldt |
Sarran the Traveler
Award of Arms
1991-02-23 |
West |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Royal Recognition of Excellence (Caid)
1991-02-16 |
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
1991-01-12 |
Costuming |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1991-01-05 |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1991-01-05 |
Wylfred of Morganvayle
Award of Arms
1991-01-05 |
Atlantia |
Evelyn du Monde
Broken Brank, Order o/t (Meridies)
1990-12-29 |
Marie da Serra da Estrela
Grant of Arms
1990-12-22 |
West |
Robert de Fecamp
Grant of Arms
1990-12-22 |
West |
Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Grant of Arms
1990-12-15 |
East |
Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Court Barony
1990-12-15 |
East |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Augmentation of Arms
1990-10-27 |
Royal Augmentation (Middle) |
Reynard the Brown
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
1990-10-13 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1990-10-10 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1990-09-29 |
Arabella of Thornwood
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-09-01 |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-09-01 |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-09-01 |
Arabella of Thornwood
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1990-09-01 |
Tarasius of Galata
Boga-Fyrd, Order o/t (Calontir)
1990-09-01 |
Emma Haldan
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1990-09-01 |
Igraine d'Abernon
Legion of Courtesy (Caid)
1990-08-19 |
Giovanni Lorenzo da Montefiori
Herald Extraordinary
1990-07-30 |
Sabbia Nera Herald |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Esprit de Soleil, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1990-07-21 |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1990-06-16 |
Eldwin Nightowl
Award of Arms
1990-05-20 |
Caid |
Raisya Khorivovna
Award of Arms
1990-05-12 |
Middle |
Mordraut Freyulf
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-04-21 |
Siobhan the Silent
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-04-21 |
Suvdchin of Moritu
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1990-04-21 |
Catherine Greyeyes
Astrum Australis, Order o/t (Outlands - Citadel o/t Southern Pass)
1990-04-08 |
Anne de Bruierer
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1990-03-25 |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Grant of Arms
1990-03-24 |
East |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Grant of Arms
1990-03-24 |
East |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Court Barony
1990-03-24 |
East |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Court Barony
1990-03-24 |
East |
Egan Blackwolf
Pelican, Order o/t
1990-02-18 |
Atenveldt |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1990-02-15 |
Galen of Ockham
Award of Arms
1990-01-27 |
Middle |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Pillar of Artemisia, Order o/t*
1990-01-20 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1990-01-14 |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1990-01-06 |
Juliana Avenel
Award of Arms
1990-01-06 |
Calontir |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1990-01-06 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Poet Laureate, Companionate o/t (Meridies)
1989-12-31 |
Aquila Jessica Grace
Laurel, Order o/t
1989-12-16 |
Atenveldt |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Corolla Muralis, The (West/Mists)
1989-12-15 |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1989-12-09 |
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory
Award of Arms
1989-11-18 |
Caid? |
Igraine d'Abernon
Laurel, Order o/t
1989-11-18 |
Caid |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
1989-11-18 |
Caid |
Arrienne Lenorra Ashford
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1989-11-11 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Award of Arms
1989-11-11 |
Calontir |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1989-11-04 |
Ronna Rosgaile Soilean Soilleir
Award of Arms
1989-11-04 |
Atenveldt |
Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada
Award of Arms
1989-10-21 |
Calontir |
Pegasus Devona
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1989-10-14 |
Balatair la Roder
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1989-09-23 |
Egan Blackwolf
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1989-09-03 |
Atenveldt |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1989-08-18 |
Middle |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Dragon's Heart, Order o/t (Middle)
1989-08-17 |
Roberta Tyrell
Court Barony
1989-08-16 |
East |
Petruccio Alfonso Maria Cuccieri de Cataluna
Award of Arms
1989-08-05 |
Atenveldt |
Geoffrey Charles Hawkwood
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1989-06-24 |
Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1989-06-24 |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Signum Regni (Caid)
1989-06-03 |
Oriana Valentina Corbizzi
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1989-06-03 |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Rose, Order o/t
1989-06-03 |
Middle |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
1989-05-13 |
Middle |
Reynard the Brown
1989-05-13 |
Earl - Middle |
Therasia von Tux
Pelican, Order o/t
1989-04-22 |
West |
Emma Haldan
Award of Arms
1989-04-15 |
An Tir |
Marie da Serra da Estrela
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
1989-04-15 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
1989-04-08 |
Jotahn Firesteed
Award of Arms
1989-03-25 |
Caid |
Aria de Chatillon
Award of Arms
1989-02-25 |
Atlantia |
William Flanagan
Award of Arms
1989-02-18 |
Atenveldt |
Therasia von Tux
Cynaguan Guard (West/Cynagua)
1989-02-04 |
Axel of Tavastia
1989-01-31 |
Drachenwald - East |
Jeanmaire Ilaria Beatrice du Domremy
1989-01-31 |
Drachenwald - East |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1989-01-21 |
Martha de Blenkensop
Award of Arms
1989-01-14 |
Outlands |
Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1989-01-14 |
Robert Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1989-01-14 |
Geoffrey Charles Hawkwood
Award of Arms
1989-01-07 |
Drachenwald -East |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1989-01-07 |
Therasia von Tux
Grant of Arms
1989-01-07 |
West |
Mordraut Freyulf
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1988-12-03 |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Award of Arms
1988-12-03 |
Drachenwald |
Mordraut Freyulf
Award of Arms
1988-11-26 |
East |
Ragnar Larsson of the Ice Dragon Isles
Award of Arms
1988-11-12 |
Meridies |
Catriona Elizabeth Snow
Cygnet, Order o/t (Meridies)
1988-11-11 |
Cathlin Sommerfield
Award of Arms
1988-11-05 |
East |
Kazimir Petrovich Pomeshanov
Award of Arms
1988-11-05 |
East |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1988-10-29 |
Adelicia Tagliaferro
Herald Extraordinary
1988-10-14 |
Tamarisk Herald |
Wilhelm von Buch
Award of Arms
1988-10-08 |
Middle |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1988-09-24 |
Siobhan the Silent
Award of Arms
1988-09-24 |
East |
Suvdchin of Moritu
Award of Arms
1988-09-17 |
East |
Maximillian Muehleisen
Award of Arms
1988-09-04 |
Outlands |
Marie da Serra da Estrela
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1988-08-27 |
Robert de Fecamp
Award of Arms
1988-08-27 |
West |
Rondinella le tyrolesa
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1988-08-18 |
William Flanagan
Fanged Wolf, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1988-07-17 |
Aquila Jessica Grace
Award of Arms
1988-07-11 |
Atenveldt |
Lyonel Oliver Grace
Award of Arms
1988-07-11 |
Atenveldt |
Dafydd ap Rhys
Award of Arms
1988-07-03 |
Outlands |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1988-07-03 |
Middle |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1988-07-02 |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Rose, Order o/t
1988-06-04 |
Caid |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
1988-06-04 |
Caid |
Michael de la Mare
Award of Arms
1988-05-28 |
Meridies |
Oriana Valentina Corbizzi
Award of Arms
1988-05-28 |
Meridies |
Raynard du Gounay
Award of Arms
1988-05-28 |
Meridies |
Ealasaid Mac a'Bhaird
Award of Arms
1988-05-07 |
Middle |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Queen's Cypher, The (West)
1988-04-30 |
Anne de Bruierer
Award of Arms
1988-04-30 |
West |
Balatair la Roder
Guardsman, Order o/t* (East)
1988-04-16 |
Maire Dromond
Award of Arms
1988-04-16 |
East |
Evelyn du Monde
Pelican, Order o/t
1988-04-09 |
Meridies |
Therasia von Tux
Defender of the West (West)
1988-04-02 |
Roberta Tyrell
Award of Arms
1988-03-26 |
East |
Egan Blackwolf
Solar Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1988-03-19 |
Bernard the Nameless
Award of Arms
1988-03-19 |
West |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
1988-03-19 |
Sun - Atenveldt |
Elizabeth Curry
Award of Arms
1988-02-27 |
Meridies |
Jehan d'Aigle
Award of Arms
1988-02-27 |
Atlantia |
Moreg Cochrane
Award of Arms
1988-02-06 |
Calontir |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Grant of Arms
1988-01-16 |
Middle |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1988-01-09 |
Therasia von Tux
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
1988-01-02 |
Therasia von Tux
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1988-01-02 |
Arrienne Lenorra Ashford
Grant of Arms
1987-11-21 |
Meridies |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Meridian Cross, Order o/t (Meridies)
1987-11-20 |
Aideen the Audacious
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
1987-11-14 |
Costume |
Clarissa di Firenze
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1987-10-31 |
Regina Masquer
Grant of Arms
1987-10-12 |
West |
Clarissa di Firenze
Award of Arms
1987-10-03 |
Atlantia |
Aideen the Audacious
Court Barony
1987-09-06 |
Calontir - Vatavia 09/06/1987-09/02/1990 |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1987-09-05 |
Ivan of Darkforest
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1987-08-30 |
Instrumental Music |
Hannah he Metoikos
Award of Arms
1987-08-16 |
Atlantia |
Arenvald Kief av Kiersted
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
William Miesko
Dragon's Tooth, Award o/t (Middle)
Mikhail Nicolaevitch Andronikov
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-07-04 |
Mikhail Nicolaevitch Andronikov
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1987-07-04 |
Balatair la Roder
Award of Arms
1987-06-27 |
East |
Christopher of Drachenwald
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-06-20 |
James Burnside
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-06-20 |
Alys Durivau
Award of Arms
1987-06-20 |
East |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Edelweiss (formerly Margeurite), Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1987-06-20 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1987-06-20 |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
1987-06-20 |
Drachenwald - East |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1987-06-06 |
Atenveldt |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Rose, Order o/t
1987-05-30 |
Caid |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Pelican, Order o/t
1987-05-30 |
Caid |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
1987-05-30 |
Caid |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
Hawk's Lure, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1987-05-03 |
William Flanagan
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1987-05-03 |
Arrienne Lenorra Ashford
Award of Arms
1987-04-11 |
Meridies |
Catherine Greyeyes
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-04-04 |
Andreanna Innes
Laurel, Order o/t
1987-04-04 |
East |
Theodoric aus dem Freiwald
Award of Arms
1987-03-07 |
Middle |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
Fanged Wolf, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1987-01-17 |
Einar aus Enwelt
Pelican, Order o/t
1987-01-17 |
Caid |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-01-10 |
Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1987-01-10 |
Cian Conor McQuaid
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1986-12-06 |
Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora
Dragon's Bowle, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1986-11-08 |
Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1986-11-08 |
Wilhelm von Oldenburg
Award of Arms
1986-11-01 |
Caid |
Christopher of Drachenwald
Award of Arms
1986-10-04 |
Drachenwald -East |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
1986-09-27 |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1986-09-27 |
Althaea della Terra di Rugiada
Award of Arms
1986-09-13 |
Caid |
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1986-08-30 |
Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry
Pelican, Order o/t
1986-08-30 |
Trimaris |
Andreanna Innes
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1986-08-16 |
Domingo Diaz de la Vega y Martin
Award of Arms
1986-07-26 |
Atenveldt |
Tarasius of Galata
Award of Arms
1986-07-26 |
Calontir |
Cynthia Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Award of Arms
1986-07-19 |
An Tir |
Robert Braithwaite of Sevenoaks
Award of Arms
1986-07-19 |
An Tir |
Jeanmaire Ilaria Beatrice du Domremy
Laurel, Order o/t
1986-07-19 |
Atlantia |
Catherine Greyeyes
Princess' Token, The (West/Cynagua)
1986-07-12 |
Ewen MacGillipadraig
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1986-07-05 |
Gisele Barrentree
Award of Arms
1986-07-05 |
Calontir |
Clare RosMuire St. John
Herald Extraordinary
1986-06-30 |
Nimbus Herald |
Ceatta o Gulcleth
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1986-06-26 |
James Burnside
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1986-06-21 |
James Burnside
Award of Arms
1986-06-21 |
Drachenwald -East |
Zoe Anastasia Dalassena de Flora
Award of Arms
1986-06-21 |
East - Drachenwald |
Catherine Greyeyes
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1986-06-14 |
Catherine Greyeyes
Friendly Castle, Order o/t (West/Cynagua)
1986-05-24 |
Elaine Bel Monte
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1986-05-20 |
William the Frogge
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1986-05-20 |
Jin Liu Chang
Award of Arms
1986-04-19 |
Atlantia |
Eleonora Vittoria Alberti di Calabria
Award of Arms
1986-03-22 |
Drachenwald |
Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
Award of Arms
1986-01-11 |
Caid |
Marie da Serra da Estrela
Award of Arms
1986-01-04 |
West |
Sorcha ni Fhaolain
Award of Arms
1986-01-04 |
An Tir |
Lewys Michael Patrick Blackmore
Award of Arms
1985-12-31 |
Middle |
Regina Masquer
Princess' Cypher o/t Outlands (Atenveldt/Outlands)
1985-12-14 |
Anebairn MacPharlaine of Arrochar
Herald Extraordinary
1985-11-29 |
Barding Herald |
Igraine d'Abernon
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1985-11-02 |
Galen of Bristol
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Galen of Bristol
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Megan Alana FitzDouglas Stathmoor
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Galen of Bristol
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1985-10-26 |
Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry
Grant of Arms
1985-10-26 |
Trimaris |
Catherine of Wessex
Award of Arms
1985-09-28 |
Drachenwald |
Regina Masquer
Leaping Stag, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Outlands)
1985-09-07 |
Tamlin du Bois Vert
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
1985-08-17 |
Eric Bentbow
Dragon's Tear, Award o/t (Drachenwald)
1985-07-20 |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1985-07-20 |
Katja Dara
Honor, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1985-07-20 |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Court Barony
1985-07-20 |
Atenveldt - Baroness Sundragon 10/16/1983-7/20/1985 |
Robin de Shealladh
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
1985-07-13 |
Cooking |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1985-07-06 |
Andreanna Innes
Maunche, Order o/t (East)
1985-06-08 |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Signum Regni (Caid)
1985-06-01 |
Igraine d'Abernon
Signum Regni (Caid)
1985-06-01 |
Margarite Isabeau de Battenhelm
Golden Calon Swan, Order o/t (Calontir)
1985-05-26 |
Costuming |
Igraine d'Abernon
Award of Arms
1985-05-25 |
Caid |
Vashti of the Flaming Tresses
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1985-05-18 |
Einar aus Enwelt
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1985-04-20 |
Andreanna Innes
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1985-04-13 |
Eric Bentbow
Award of Arms
1985-04-13 |
Drachenwald |
Evelyn du Monde
Axe of Axemoor, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Axemoor)
1985-03-16 |
Siubhan MacDuff
Award of Arms
1985-02-09 |
Outlands |
Kassandra NicKraken
Burning Trumpet, Order o/t (Meridies)
1985-01-05 |
Michael of the Belt Pouch
Award of Arms
1985-01-05 |
Drachenwald - East |
Evelyn du Monde
Bough of Meridies, Order o/t
1985-01-05 |
Jeanmaire Ilaria Beatrice du Domremy
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1985-01-05 |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Laurel, Order o/t
1985-01-05 |
Middle |
Guineth the White
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1984-11-03 |
Roger of Belden Abbey
Goutté de Sang, Order o/t (An Tir)
1984-11-03 |
Salvador Paolo de Barcelona
Award of Arms
1984-10-20 |
Calontir |
Aeruin na Cantairechet Sreagan
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1984-10-06 |
Duncan MacConacher of Dunheath
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1984-10-06 |
Damon hroarrson
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1984-09-15 |
Kassandra NicKraken
Pelican, Order o/t
1984-09-08 |
Meridies |
Aideen the Audacious
Award of Arms
1984-09-02 |
Calontir |
Margarite Isabeau de Battenhelm
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1984-09-02 |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Iren-Fyrd, Order o/t (Calontir)
1984-09-02 |
Therasia von Tux
Award of Arms
1984-08-19 |
Caid |
Geoffrey Rufus d'Alton
Sea Stag, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1984-08-19 |
Axel of Tavastia
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1984-08-19 |
Atlantia |
Miriam of Bristol
Award of Arms
1984-08-18 |
Meridies |
Andreanna Innes
Panache, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1984-08-17 |
Christopher O'Bannion
Award of Arms
1984-07-28 |
Calontir |
Robert FitzHugh of Bannockburn
Award of Arms
1984-07-14 |
Middle |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
Edelweiss (formerly Margeurite), Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1984-06-23 |
Galen of Bristol
1984-06-23 |
Drachenwald - East |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
1984-06-23 |
Drachenwald - East |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Harp Argent, Order o/t (Caid)
1984-06-02 |
Singing |
Lancelyn Moormist
Award of Arms
1984-05-19 |
Middle |
Catherine Greyeyes
Award of Arms
1984-05-05 |
Cynagua - West |
Mordock von Rugen
Award of Arms
1984-04-14 |
Caid |
Lowyn Rowena of the Trees
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1984-03-31 |
Lowyn Rowena of the Trees
Award of Arms
1984-03-31 |
East - Drachenwald |
Catrin Gwynedd
Award of Arms
1984-03-24 |
Meridies |
Bronwen Lorelle
Award of Arms
1984-03-18 |
Atenveldt |
Tamlin du Bois Vert
Award of Arms
1984-03-17 |
East |
Elaine Bel Monte
Award of Arms
1984-02-19 |
Atenveldt |
William the Frogge
Award of Arms
1984-02-19 |
Atenveldt |
Ewen MacGillipadraig
Leather Mallet, Order o/t (Calontir)
1984-01-28 |
Alisha MacLeod
Award of Arms
1984-01-21 |
East |
Andreanna Innes
Award of Arms
1984-01-17 |
East |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Silver Oak, Order o/t (Middle)
1984-01-14 |
Ingemar de la Watere
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1983-12-31 |
Katja Dara
Hope of the Sun, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1983-11-19 |
Axel of Tavastia
Award of Arms
1983-11-05 |
Atlantia |
Zan Andreas
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1983-10-29 |
Katherine Angelique d'Artois de Berry
Award of Arms
1983-10-29 |
Meridies |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Grant of Arms
1983-10-15 |
Caid |
Claryce Orfevre
Award of Arms
1983-10-08 |
East |
Reynard the Brown
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1983-08-21 |
Atlantia |
Hamlin du Soleil Levant
Popular/Principality Company of Sojourners (Drachenwald)
1983-07-09 |
Pegasus Devona
Award of Arms
1983-05-29 |
An Tir |
Galen of Bristol
Silver Guard, Order o/t (Drachenwald)
1983-05-21 |
Eldrid Wolfsguard
Award of Arms
1983-04-30 |
Atenveldt |
Geoffrey Cathan
Award of Arms
1983-04-16 |
An Tir |
Rose Stewart Cathan
Jambe de Lion, Order o/t (An Tir)
1983-04-16 |
Damon hroarrson
Award of Arms
1983-04-01 |
Calontir |
Nina of the Lost Caverns
Award of Arms
1983-03-26 |
Atlantia |
Katja Dara
Award of Arms
1983-02-21 |
Atenveldt |
Merewyn Gray
Award of Arms
1983-02-12 |
An Tir |
Galen of Bristol
Queen's/Princess's Order of Courtesy (Drachenwald)
1982-12-04 |
Einar aus Enwelt
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1982-11-20 |
Caid |
Leric Speltigh
Torse, Order o/t (Calontir)
1982-11-06 |
Ingemar de la Watere
Orden des Lindquistringes (Drachenwald)
1982-10-23 |
Mikhail Nicolaevitch Andronikov
Award of Arms
1982-10-23 |
East |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Grant of Arms
1982-10-23 |
Meridies |
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn
Court Barony
1982-10-16 |
Meridies - Grey Niche 12/13/1980-10/16/1982 |
Rose Stewart Cathan
Award of Arms
1982-09-05 |
An Tir |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1982-08-21 |
Aureliane Rioghail
Herald Extraordinary
1982-07-30 |
Ave Herald |
Ingemar de la Watere
Award of Arms
1982-06-26 |
East |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1982-06-19 |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Award of Arms
1982-05-29 |
Caid |
Aeruin ni hEarain o Chonnemara
Award of Arms
1982-05-10 |
foreign |
Guineth the White
Rose Leaf, Order o/t (West)
1982-04-25 |
Fenris of Twycross
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1982-04-17 |
Reynard the Brown
Award of Arms
1982-04-03 |
Atlantia |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Pelican, Order o/t
1982-02-15 |
Atenveldt |
Geoffrey Rufus d'Alton
Award of Arms
1982-02-13 |
Atlantia |
Roger of Belden Abbey
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1981-11-30 |
Guineth the White
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1981-11-22 |
Kaylitha Rhiannon of Southhaven
Award of Arms
1981-11-22 |
Drachenwald |
Regina Masquer
Ruxton Award, The (West/Cynagua)
1981-10-31 |
Roger of Belden Abbey
Award of Arms
1981-10-31 |
West |
Guineth the White
Award of Arms
1981-10-28 |
West |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1981-10-17 |
Meridies |
Vashti of the Flaming Tresses
Willow, Order o/t (Middle)
1981-10-03 |
Deshive Luciana d'Avignon
Award of Arms
1981-09-19 |
Caid |
Genevieve McCullum de Caen
Award of Arms
1981-08-02 |
Meridies |
Kassandra NicKraken
Broken Brank, Order o/t (Meridies)
1981-08-01 |
Brynhildr Kormaksdottir
Award of Arms
1981-07-20 |
Middle |
Mwynyn Lodus
Award of Arms
1981-06-20 |
Calontir |
Margarite Isabeau de Battenhelm
Award of Arms
1981-06-13 |
Calontir |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Palm, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Atenveldt)
1981-04-11 |
Terans den Sjofarende
Laurel, Order o/t
1981-04-05 |
Atenveldt |
Evelyn du Monde
Award of Arms
1981-02-28 |
Meridies |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1981-02-14 |
Adelaide de Beaumont
Award of Arms
1981-01-03 |
West |
Kassandra NicKraken
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1980-12-13 |
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn
Grant of Arms
1980-12-13 |
Meridies |
Katrina of Iron Mountain
Award of Arms
1980-12-06 |
foreign |
Regina Masquer
Courtesia, Order of La (West/Cynagua)
1980-11-07 |
Regina Masquer
Award of Arms
1980-11-01 |
West |
Zan Andreas
Grant of Arms
1980-09-06 |
Meridies |
Ayesha de Warwick
Pearl, Order o/t (Atlantia)
1980-07-19 |
Terric Bearsmountain
Award of Arms
1980-07-05 |
East |
Evelyn du Monde
Dragons Heart, Order o/t (Atenveldt - Sun Dragon)
1980-06-21 |
Sara Celeste
Rose, Order o/t
1980-06-07 |
Atenveldt |
Sara Celeste
1980-06-07 |
Atenveldt |
Ceatta o Gulcleth
Award of Arms
1980-06-06 |
Meridies |
Robin de Shealladh
Award of Arms
1980-05-17 |
Calontir |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Solar Phoenix, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Sun)
1980-03-08 |
Vashti of the Flaming Tresses
Award of Arms
1980-02-16 |
Middle |
Fedelm ni Uidhir
Silver Crescent, Order o/t (East)
1979-10-06 |
Matthew Gottlieb
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
1979-08-30 |
Matthew Gottlieb
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1979-08-11 |
Tessa of the Gardens
Dove, Order o/t (Princess Of Atenveldt)
Ansteorra - Atenveldt |
Simonn of Amber Isle
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
Tessa of the Gardens
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
Patricia of Blackmoor
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1979-05-13 |
Adeetha fi Kladirk
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Andreas Snowdragon
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Anna Czulneja
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Cebu of Grayhaven
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Christian Richard Dupre
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
David Gallowglass
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Jon St. Vincent d'Outremer
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Matthew Gottlieb
Award of Arms
1979-05-12 |
Meridies |
Richenda de la Selva
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Robert Simon Fraser
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Schon ha Levy
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Ursa of Grayhaven
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Valerian Arvonen
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Fenris of Twycross
Award of Arms
1979-04-07 |
East |
Ayesha de Warwick
Award of Arms
1979-03-24 |
East |
Kassandra NicKraken
Meridian Majesty, Order o/t (Meridies)
1979-03-17 |
Kassandra NicKraken
Grant of Arms
1979-03-17 |
Meridies |
Zan Andreas
Velvet Owl, Order o/t (Meridies)
1979-03-17 |
Megan Glenleven
Award of Arms
Alexandra Tatiana Feodorovna of Novgorod
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Godfrey de la Fosse
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar
Pelican, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Katherine von Hildrizhausen
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Lysbeth Poulsdottir
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Pa en Ka en Ptah
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Sabia Gunnhild Hunang
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Telbyrne Morningstar
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Ursula von dem Meer
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Melusine Whitcroft the Petite
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
Willow de Wisp
Rose, Order o/t
1979-03-03 |
Atenveldt |
Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer
1979-03-03 |
Count - Atenveldt |
Willow de Wisp
1979-03-03 |
Atenveldt |
Aymbros Turlion de Laisard
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Brenda y Grochenyddes
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Ciard d'Algeneaux
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
David Alkimestes
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Giuseppe Casazza
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Goshen von Osterreich
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Luigi di Donate
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Noman Adolphus Buchard
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Xene Theriane
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Robert Hellmanstahl
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
Atenveldt |
Tivar Moondragon
Pelican, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Elestr gerbron Arianllyn
Award of Arms
1979-02-10 |
Middle |
Award of Arms
1979-02-10 |
Middle |
Alys Carvelsdatter
Award of Arms
1979-01-21 |
Atenveldt |
Einar aus Enwelt
Award of Arms
1979-01-21 |
West |
Aela of the Hills
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Aela of the Hills
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
Bjorn Magnusson Esping
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Agnes de Saint Michel
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Edwin FitzLloyd
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Haimis Black Scorpion
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Haimis Black Scorpion
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
Lloyd von Eaker
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
Selva of the Treeless Plain
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Edwin FitzLloyd
Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
Karl der Gaenger
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
Megan Andoniel of Glengalen
Dove, Order o/t (Princess Of Atenveldt)
1978-12-30 |
Outlands - Atenveldt |
Alisande of Saxony
Grail of Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt/Outlands)
1978-12-30 |
Megan Andoniel of Glengalen
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1978-12-30 |
Orm Skjoldbidig
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1978-12-30 |
Megan Andoniel of Glengalen
1978-12-30 |
Outlands - Atenveldt |
Constance Saint Dunstan
Dove, Order o/t (Princess Of Atenveldt)
Ansteorra - Atenveldt |
Catherynn Elfarran
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Godfrey de la Fosse
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Otto the Merciless
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn
Sovereign's Pleasure, Order o/t (Meridies)
1978-12-02 |
Thorbjorn Wulfgrimmssønn
Award of Arms
1978-12-02 |
Meridies |
Gilbert Glanneman
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Harish al Rashid
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
Kubric Spelldragon
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Sesto Marco Vareccio
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Tanith Catspaw of Cashelmere
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Tivar Moondragon
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
Katharina von Alyssin
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Simonn of Amber Isle
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Tessa of the Gardens
Pelican, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Fedelm ni Uidhir
Grant of Arms
1978-10-14 |
East |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Rose, Order o/t
1978-08-19 |
West |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
1978-08-19 |
West |
Kassandra NicKraken
Rose, Order o/t
1978-07-15 |
Meridies |
Kassandra NicKraken
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
1978-07-15 |
Zan Andreas
Court Barony
1978-07-15 |
Meridies - Grey Niche 07/15/1978-10/16/ |
Kassandra NicKraken
1978-07-15 |
Meridies |
Zan Andreas
Denial o/t Niche, Order o/t (Gleann Abhann - Grey Niche)
1978-07-08 |
John ap Griffin
Queen's Order of Grace (West)
1978-07-01 |
Leric Speltigh
Award of Arms
1978-05-28 |
Middle |
Leric Speltigh
Purple Fret, Award o/t (Middle)
1978-05-28 |
Katharina von Alyssin
Dove, Order o/t (Princess Of Atenveldt)
Ansteorra - Atenveldt |
Mari ferch Rathyen
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Maria Elayne von Schwangau
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Sebastian Eisenfaust
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Sionni y Brycheinniog
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Katharina von Alyssin
Ansteorra - Atenveldt |
Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard
Ansteorra - Atenveldt |
Megan Andoniel of Glengalen
Award of Arms
1978-05-06 |
Terans den Sjofarende
Court Barony
1978-04-23 |
Atenveldt - Atenveldt 1/1980-1/1981 |
Clare RosMuire St. John
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
Constance Greyhall the Insatiable
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Catrina of the Evergreen Meadows
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Coemgen of Glendalough
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Franz von Stephans
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Ivan Reddragon
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Katherine von Hildrizhausen
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Ursula von dem Meer
Award of Arms
Atenveldt |
Gwilym y Fferill o Caer Lleuad
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Nerak la Tisserande
Laurel, Order o/t
Atenveldt |
Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1978-04-02 |
Patricia of Blackmoor
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1978-04-02 |
Sara Celeste
Award of Arms
1978-04-02 |
Atenveldt |
Adelicia Tagliaferro
Award of Arms
1978-01-14 |
Meridies |
Arabella of Thornwood
Award of Arms
1978-01-14 |
Middle |
Pa en Ka en Ptah
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1978-01-07 |
Aislinn O'Neill
Dove, Order o/t (Princess Of Atenveldt)
1977-12-17 |
Outlands - Atenveldt |
Aislinn O'Neill
1977-12-17 |
Outlands - Atenveldt |
John ap Griffin
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1977-11-19 |
Conn Graumach
Award of Arms
1977-11-13 |
John the Plain of Shearn
Award of Arms
1977-11-13 |
Bran de Tintreak
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Conn Graumach
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
John the Plain of Shearn
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Lysbeth Poulsdottir
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Marta Brun Hild
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Robert Hellmanstahl
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Ross of Prenez Gard
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Tambryln Shanti
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
Zerax the Repetitive
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1977-11-13 |
John Elynn
Award of Arms
1977-11-12 |
Ygraine of the Alluring Smile
Award of Arms
1977-11-12 |
Althea Gloria of Tyne
Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1977-11-12 |
Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm
Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1977-11-12 |
Kassandra NicKraken
Bough of Meridies, Order o/t
1977-10-08 |
Brendan of Hy Breasil
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Ewan Adyssyn op Cenbri o Glyn Criafol
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Hogan of the Shifting Sands
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Lysbeth Poulsdottir
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Patricia of Blackmoor
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Atenveldt |
Robert Hellmanstahl
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Robin of the Elm
Award of Arms
1977-09-18 |
Anselm Blackwing
Award of Arms
1977-09-17 |
Meridies |
Tessa of the Gardens
Grant of Arms
1977-09-17 |
Aislinn O'Neill
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
Outlands |
Clare RosMuire St. John
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1977-08-13 |
Ian Astoroth of Skye
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
Losira la Papillon
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
Ronald Evergreene
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
S-Utcha ta Nuit
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
Sarah Beth NicDuairc O'Neill
Award of Arms
1977-08-13 |
Outlands |
Tessa of the Gardens
Queen's Grace, Order o/t (Atenveldt)
1977-08-13 |
Ivivis of Cornwall
Laurel, Order o/t
1977-08-13 |
John ap Griffin
Queen's Order of Grace (West)
1977-07-31 |
Peregrine Hawkwood
Award of Arms
1977-07-09 |
Kassandra NicKraken
1977-07-09 |
Meridies |
Jan w Orzeldom
Award of Arms
1977-07-02 |
Simonn of Amber Isle
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1977-06-26 |
Terans den Sjofarende
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1977-06-26 |
Atenveldt |
Kassandra NicKraken
Award of Arms
1977-06-25 |
Meridies |
Andeleon of Axegarth
Award of Arms
1977-04-23 |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1977-04-23 |
West |
Kiyoshio Yukio
Award of Arms
1977-04-23 |
Zan Andreas
Award of Arms
1977-04-11 |
Meridies |
John ap Griffin
Court Barony - Foreign, AoA-level
1977-03-19 |
West |
Randall von Nordlichwald
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1977-03-13 |
Llewellyn ap Meriadudd of Gwynedd
Award of Arms
1977-02-19 |
Meridies |
Gunwaldt Gullbjorn
Award of Arms
1977-01-22 |
Constance Saint Dunstan
Award of Arms
1977-01-15 |
Meridies |
Aldys Freowine
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
Care-Cheri of the Fallen Stars
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
Atenveldt |
Deaton Claymore
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
Atenveldt |
Denis of the Titans
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
Atenveldt |
Koris Natterhelm
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
Atenveldt |
Siegfried von Hoflichskeit
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-03 |
West |
Aren of Rivenhorn
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-01 |
Clare RosMuire St. John
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-01 |
Darcy Graham
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-01 |
Gwynneth Sanquebarr
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-01 |
Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard
Cap and Bells of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
1977-01-01 |
Terans den Sjofarende
Award of Arms
1976-12-13 |
Atenveldt |
Katharina von Alyssin
Award of Arms
1976-11-28 |
Zerax the Repetitive
Award of Arms
1976-11-28 |
Althea Gloria of Tyne
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Aonghus Grahame
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Aureliane Rioghail
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Darcy Graham
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Drstha Maida of the Lowara
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Ivivis of Cornwall
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Janet Virago Parva of House Morningstar
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Atenveldt |
Leah Kasmira of Natterhelm
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Pa en Ka en Ptah
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Atenveldt |
Sekhmet ankh-Nefer
Award of Arms
1976-11-27 |
Aren of Rivenhorn
Laurel, Order o/t
1976-11-27 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
1976-11-20 |
Caid |
John ap Griffin
Pelican, Order o/t
1976-09-19 |
West |
Aureliane Rioghail
Tread o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1976-08-17 |
Arwyne of the Gilded Helm
Award of Arms
1976-08-07 |
Aulus Allemanius Draconis
Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1976-07-27 |
Clare RosMuire St. John
Award of Arms
1976-07-12 |
Atenveldt |
Torgatai Blackwolf
Chivalry, Order of - Master of Arms o/t Society
1976-07-12 |
Balthazar of Endor
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1976-07-10 |
Aren of Rivenhorn
Award of Arms
1976-07-03 |
Gwynneth Sanquebarr
Award of Arms
1976-07-03 |
Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1976-07-03 |
Tess of Ambergeen
Award of Arms
1976-06-14 |
Aulus Allemanius Draconis
Grant of Arms
1976-06-06 |
Lloyd von Eaker
Chivalry, Order of - Master of Arms o/t Society
1976-06-05 |
Resigned at some point |
John of the Rudder
Award of Arms
1976-01-10 |
John of the Rudder
Tread o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1976-01-10 |
Aldys Freowine
Award of Arms
1975-11-30 |
Judith the Rose
Award of Arms
1975-11-30 |
Sean MacFflam of Ravenswaard
Award of Arms
1975-11-30 |
Arlene the Soother
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1975-10-04 |
Tambryln Shanti
Award of Arms
1975-10-04 |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Laurel, Order o/t
1975-09-28 |
West |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Pelican, Order o/t
1975-09-28 |
West |
Aulus Allemanius Draconis
Award of Arms
1975-08-30 |
Aulus Allemanius Draconis
Tread o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1975-08-30 |
Shanahan the Fey
Laurel, Order o/t
1975-08-30 |
Balthazar of Endor
Award of Arms
1975-08-09 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Laurel, Order o/t
1975-08-02 |
West |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1975-06-21 |
John ap Griffin
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1975-06-21 |
Arlene the Soother
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Atenveldt |
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Bran de Tintreak
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Daemon of Woadwood
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Hereward of Vinland
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Marta Brun Hild
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Tarl Mapt
Award of Arms
1975-06-18 |
Willow de Wisp
Pelican, Order o/t
1975-06-12 |
from ML 11/25/77 |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Dolphin, Order o/t (Caid)
1975-06-05 |
Dafydd the Silvertongue of Deverell
Award of Arms
1975-05-24 |
Ross of Prenez Gard
Award of Arms
1975-05-05 |
Atenveldt |
Ross of Prenez Gard
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1975-05-05 |
Telbyrne Morningstar
Award of Arms
1975-05-05 |
Tarl Mapt
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1975-05-05 |
Einar aus Enwelt
Old Battered Helm (West)
1975-05-03 |
Einar aus Enwelt
The Muckin' Great Clubbe (West)
1975-03-22 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Pelican, Order o/t
1974-08-03 |
West |
Arlene the Soother
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1974-05-13 |
Tarl Mapt
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1974-05-13 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Grant of Arms
1974-05-04 |
West |
Myrddin ap Rhys
Misty Star, Order o/t (the Stargate)
1974-03-25 |
Shanahan the Fey
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1974-01-27 |
Dierdre de Clarik
Laurel, Order o/t
1974-01-27 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Leaf of Merit, Order o/t (West)
1974-01-05 |
Myrddin ap Rhys
Grant of Arms
1973-10-27 |
Myrddin ap Rhys
Court Barony
1973-10-17 |
Baron Stargate 10/17/1973-03/05/1977 |
Michael of Moria
Light of Atenveldt, Order o/t
1973-09-29 |
La Rana
Tread o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1973-09-29 |
Richard of Mont Royal, the Short
Tread o/t Steppes, Order o/t
1973-09-29 |
Bevin Fraser of Sterling
Award of Arms
1973-05-05 |
West |
Myrddin ap Rhys
Award of Arms
1973-03-24 |
Michael of Moria
Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
1972-10-08 |
Atenveldt |
Michael of Moria
Court Barony
1971-03-24 |
Atenveldt - Baron Atenveldt 6/1969-1/1977 |
Michael of Moria
Laurel, Order o/t
1970-04-12 |
Atenveldt |
Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani
Award of Arms
1970-01-03 |
West |
John ap Griffin
Award of Arms
1970-01-03 |
West |
Michael of Moria
Award of Arms
1970-01-03 |
Atenveldt |