NameLegacy of Lions
Awards FromAaron MacGregor II and Britta MacGregor II
Name Award Notes
Ceolwyn Brockholm Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Kira no Takuan Sable Falcon of Ansteorra
Elspeth MacAuslane of Balloch Castle Award of Arms
Wolfgang von der Eifel Award of Arms
Corwin von Xanten Compass Rose, Award o/t
Erik Clawhanded Compass Rose, Award o/t
Adelaide de Beaumont Firebrand of Bjornsborg, Order o/t
Katalina Ana de Salamanca Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Katerine Bontemps Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Katalina Ana de Salamanca Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Chivalric Combat
Ricardo Esteban de Salamanca Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Chivalric Combat
Bertha von Caffei Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Needlework
Oxlade Lachlann MacKinnon Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra