NameSteppes Warlord
Awards FromLochlan Dunn I and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Insula Mona I
Name Award Notes
Daniel O'Ceileachair King's Archer of Ansteorra
Cian Rhys Gravenor Royal Hunter Lochlan I & Gwen I
Mace Longsword Sable Falcon of Ansteorra
Alexi Zaitsev Award of Arms
Beonne seo Brune Award of Arms
Morrigan Grumach of the Barrens Award of Arms
Ivan Eiriksson Compass Rose, Award o/t
Elec inghean Sheain Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
Honour du Bois Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t
Alianorra MacKkye Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Sarah di Rimini Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Dietrich Wyss Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t Chivalric Combat
Grainne Kathleen NicPadraig Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Beading
Kalida Aristana Star of Merit, Order o/t
Saqra al-Kudsi Star of Merit, Order o/t