NameSteppes Twelfth Night
Awards FromJonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer II and Willow de Wisp II
Name Award Notes
David Rhys ap Gordon Award of Arms
Hector Philip Martel Award of Arms
Kalida Aristana Award of Arms
Katherine Heather McVee Award of Arms
Lorelle Joyan de Besancon Award of Arms
Gwenllian Cwmystwyth ferch Morfudd Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t
Anne Louise of Bluecastle Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Costuming
Sabia Gunnhild Hunang Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t Weaving
Da'ud ibn Auda King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra Jonathan II
Kalida Aristana Queen's Glove of Ansteorra Willow II
Cassandra Louise Marchand Iris of Merit, Order o/t
Rosamond Carmody Iris of Merit, Order o/t
Jan w Orzeldom Star of Merit, Order o/t
Karl der Gaenger Court Barony
Kasilda Kubasek Court Barony
Thorkel Magnusson Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society
Bjorn Magnusson Esping Laurel, Order o/t