NameBrynjolfr austmannaskelfir
Other NamesReg: Brynjólfr austmannaskelfir; Brynjolf Inn Réttr
Preferred TitleHersir
ID for AMP6656
Wiki Page Brynj%C3%B3lfr_austmannaskelfir
Registrations Name: Device:
Award Date Notes
Barony in Fief 1992-01-04 Bonwicke 06/22/2024 to present
Award of Arms 2018-02-10
Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2022-02-12 Chivalric Combat
Sable Flur, Award o/t 2022-02-12
Western Cross, Order o/t (Bonwicke) 2022-02-12 Principal 06/22/2024 to present
Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2022-08-06 Metalwork
Sable Sparrow, Award o/t 2023-01-14
Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2024-03-14
Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2024-06-22