Name(s)Jason Drysdale I and Margherita de Mantua I
Short TagJasonD_I
Name Award Date Notes
Alister Rogerson Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Ameline du Bois Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Angelina Francesca di Nardi Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Beatrix Alfraye Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Calvin Tittle Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Cera ingen Fhaelain Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Cornelius Merilainen Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Diego Fortuna de Almería Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Dyrfinna Mikaelsdottir Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Emma O'Ruairc Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Gavin Mac Giolla Ruaidh Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Gillian of the Eldern Hills Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Gwyneth of Ramsey Mere Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Hadamar of Ansteorra Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Isaac von Basel Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Lessandra della Torre Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Mellilah Farasha Raushana bint Abdullah Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Micolay Haiduk Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Miles Ridley Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Ronan Fionn O Dubain Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Sabiha al-Zarqa' bint Hakim al-'Attar Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Skjoldulfr Hildibjarnarson Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Steinarr Bjarnarson Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Uliana Haiduk Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Vasilii Kostiantinovits Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Vigdis Grafeldr Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Vilhjalmr Olfuss Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Wentiliana le Chandeler Golden Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Uliana Haiduk Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-04-08
Caterina Giovanni Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Margherita I
Jean Paul de Sens King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Jason Drysdale I
Michelle Chantal de Charente Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Margherita I
Miguel Vaello de Villa Joiosa Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Margherita I
Niccolaia Valore King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Jason Drysdale I
Orlando Giovanni King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Jason Drysdale I
Shanna Camber Queen's Glove of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Margherita I
Vincenti da Murano King's Gauntlet of Ansteorra 2017-04-08 Jason Drysdale I
Keina Terrickdoutter Pelican, Order o/t 2017-04-08
Kolfinna Egilsdottir Sable Sparrow, Award o/t 2017-04-02
Marie of Hellsgate Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2017-03-25 Rapier Combat
Akihiro of the Pale Dragons Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2017-03-16
Cornelius Merilainen Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16
Jerimiah of the Pale Dragons Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2017-03-16
Boots of Ansteorra Award of Arms 2017-03-16
Kain Knightshade of House Wolfstar Award of Arms 2017-03-16
Katherine de Kroepseur Award of Arms 2017-03-16
Lykos Lakedaimonios Award of Arms 2017-03-16
Saeunnar-hvalmagi Katrasdottir Award of Arms 2017-03-16
Bridget of Mooneschadowe Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Mooneschadowe
Cademon of Shire of Shadowlands Compass Rose, Award o/t 2017-03-16
Caelan MacRob Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Seawinds
Walter Thomas Longstride Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Graywood
Alexandre Crane Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Chivalric Combat
Aurelius Scipio Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Chivalric Combat
Fyn Alreksson Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Chivalric Combat
Peter Rhys Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Chivalric Combat
Wulfgar Martel Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-03-16 Chivalric Combat
Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe Star of Merit, Order o/t 2017-03-16
Facon du Pray White Scarf of Ansteorra, Order o/t (grant) 2017-03-16
Jutte von dem Berg Star of Merit, Order o/t 2017-03-16
Beatrix Alfraye Pelican, Order o/t 2017-03-16
Czina Angielczyka Laurel, Order o/t 2017-03-16
Haraldr Bassi Laurel, Order o/t 2017-03-16
Creppin l'Ostriche Chivalry, Order of - Knight o/t Society 2017-03-15
Sigurd Thormundson Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2017-02-18
Biau-douz de la Mare Kingdom Artisan 2017-02-11
Emma Farewyll Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-02-11 Rosenfeld
Eleanor Bonwicke Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-02-11 Scribal Arts
Mariana de Salamanca Iris of Merit, Order o/t 2017-02-11
Caitriona inghean mhic Lochlainn Court Barony 2017-02-11
Timur Borte Court Barony 2017-02-11
Asbjorn Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Avi ben Zahava Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Bertina Battista Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Guillermo Pajaro de Escocia Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Pierce Blackwell Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Rhona of Bryn Gwlad Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Robert the Red Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Sigurd Hrafnsson Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Taura Delphine McCartney Blackwell Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Thyra of Hellsgate Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Wulfgar Martel Award of Arms 2017-02-04
Aesileif of Mooneschadowe Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-02-04 Mooneschadowe
Jovianus Skleros Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-02-04 Hellsgate
Lucius Hadrianus Dreigiau Bryn, Order o/t (Bryn Gwlad) 2017-02-04
Vasilii Kostiantinovits Dreigiau Bryn, Order o/t (Bryn Gwlad) 2017-02-04
Estrill Swet Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-02-04 Costuming
Mihaly Takacs Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-02-04 Wet Finishing
Wolf der Ganger Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-02-04 Western European Dance
Absolon of Hereford Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2017-02-04
Miklos Nemeth Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2017-02-04
Shanna Camber Star of Merit, Order o/t 2017-02-04
Thomas Barnhardt Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2017-02-04
Valia of the Mists Star of Merit, Order o/t 2017-02-04
Elsa von Snackenburg Pelican, Order o/t 2017-02-04
Niccolaia Valore Laurel, Order o/t 2017-02-04
Ænghill inn kyrri Award of Arms 2017-01-28
Daireann of Chemin Noir Award of Arms 2017-01-28
Alusch Annika Von der Stern Western Cross, Order o/t (Bonwicke) 2017-01-28
Jehanne de Montauban Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-01-28 Herbs & Balms
Corwin von Xanten King's Blade of Chivalry 2017-01-14 Jason Drysdale I
Evarr Havaarsson Lyra Aurea of Ansteorra 2017-01-14
Miklos Nemeth Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2017-01-14
Asta of Shadowlands Award of Arms 2017-01-14
Stephen Paul Blakeley Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-01-14 Shadowlands
Mirabelis Genevah Zabaneh Golden Lance of Ansteorra, Order o/t 2017-01-14
Alden Drake Premier Bard 2017-01-07
Shannon of Ffynnon Gath Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-01-07
Kai McAlpin Award of Arms 2017-01-07
Penelope of Hellsgate Award of Arms 2017-01-07
Terrence adte Syke Sable Comet, Award o/t 2017-01-07 Kynges Creke
Llywelyn Gruffydd of Elfsea Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t 2017-01-07
Peter Rhys Oak o/t Steppes, Order o/t 2017-01-07
Nicola Francesca Landini Volpe Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-01-07 Music
Rosamund Nightegale Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-01-07 Music
Sofia Speranza Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2017-01-07 Weaving
Miles Ridley Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-10
Corbin de Huntyngfeld Award of Arms 2016-12-10
Inge the Mended Award of Arms 2016-12-10
Izza al-Khayyata Award of Arms 2016-12-10
Askell de Loucelles Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-12-10
Hennessey O'Donoghue Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-12-10
Kenneth MacQuarrie of Tobermory Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-10 Seawinds
Magdalena von Hallenberg Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-10 Seawinds
Alden Drake Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-10 Metalsmithing
Brian mac Cael Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-10 Bardic Arts
Giano Luigi Piccinino Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-10 Toxopholitic Arts
Baudoyn de Lafayette White Scarf of Ansteorra, Order o/t (grant) 2016-12-10
Elena Wyth Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-12-10
Gwen verch Cynwrig de Insula Mona Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-12-10
Isobail inghean Gilla Chriosd Court Barony 2016-12-10
Alex de Champagne Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-03
Avery Shaw Royal Blade 2016-12-03 Jason Drysdale I & Margherita I
Beatrix Alfraye Lions of Ansteorra; Defender o/t Dream 2016-12-03 Jason Drysdale I & Margherita I
Gassion de Beaumarchais Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-03
Aibinn Ingen Eremon Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Kizzy of Ansteorra Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Liaden Orlanderson Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Melodie Anne de Ryes Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Munokhoi Kiyad Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Truly of Eldern Hills Award of Arms 2016-12-03
Abigail Lylle Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-12-03
Ainier of Patrin Or Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-12-03
Antonia Visconti Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Dragonsfire Tor
Julian de Clare Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Haldtre
Katheryn Margarete de Ryes Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Dragonsfire Tor
Kazimierz Zlowieszczy Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Dragonsfire Tor
Silvana Corwin Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-12-03
Vinaman Advarrson Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Dragonsfire Tor
Eleanor of Forth Castle Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Period Cooking
Liadan of Patrin Or Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-03
William Lindsay Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-12-03 Woodworking
Etienett de Bitche Iris of Merit, Order o/t 2016-12-03
Liliana Barnes Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-12-03
Adalia VonderBerg Court Barony 2016-12-03
Cristiane Milton Sable Falcon of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Fox Todreki Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-19
Jason of the Pale Dragons Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Joshua of the Pale Dragons Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Paul of Bjornsborg Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-11-19 Chivalric Combat
Philip of Bjornsborg Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-11-19 Chivalric Combat
Artanis of Ansteorra Award of Arms 2016-11-19
Beinlause Todreki Award of Arms 2016-11-19
Brandi Todreki Award of Arms 2016-11-19
Marcus Tullius Maximus Award of Arms 2016-11-19
Rostige Friedhelm Award of Arms 2016-11-19
Melia de la Renaudiere Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-19 Tailoring
Zane Mountaine Gate ap Simonn Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-19 Rapier Combat
Biau-douz de la Mare Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Cera ingen Fhaelain Arc d'Or of Ansteorra, Order o/t 2016-11-19
Colleen O'Kelly Arc d'Or of Ansteorra, Order o/t 2016-11-19
Joanna the Spinner Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-11-19
Melessent Michel Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-11-19
Romanius Vesperianus Arc d'Or of Ansteorra, Order o/t 2016-11-19
Samuel Dewy Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Santiago de Monte Verde Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-11-19
William Lindsay Centurion o/t Sable Star of Ansteorra 2016-11-19
Isabella Maria della Rosa Court Barony 2016-11-19
Alakodios of Ansteorra Award of Arms 2016-11-18
Joseph Erskine Award of Arms 2016-11-18
Gabrielle de Lacy Silent Trumpet of Bordermarch, Order o/t 2016-11-18
Meurik the Humble Silent Trumpet of Bordermarch, Order o/t 2016-11-18
Sarah Bellian Silent Trumpet of Bordermarch, Order o/t 2016-11-18
Aron ulfr Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18 Beekeeping
Atli Karlsson Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18 Brewing
Conrad Kuehn Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18
Elene Kirchenknopf Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18
Lessandra della Torre Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18
Mary Dash Elizabeth Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18
Phocas of Bordermarch Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-18 Beekeeping
Biau-douz de la Mare Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-11-18
Diego Fortuna de Almería Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-12
Evarr Havaarsson Guardian o/t Queen's Hope 2016-11-12 Margherita I
Haraldr Bassi Sable Sparrow, Award o/t 2016-11-12
Marie of Hellsgate Guardian o/t Queen's Hope 2016-11-12 Margherita I
Miguel Vaello de Villa Joiosa Queen's Champion 2016-11-12 Margherita I
Miles Ridley Queen's Blade of Honor 2016-11-12 Margherita I
Veronica du Sanguine Queen's Rapier of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-12
Miles Ridley Award of Arms 2016-11-12
Brendan McEwen Defense, Order of 2016-11-12
Euon of Rosenfeld Award of Arms 2016-11-05
Reynard of Rosenfeld Award of Arms 2016-11-05
Aethelstan Aethelmearson Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-11-05 Myrgenfeld
Aubrey Ericsdatter Sable Comet, Award o/t 2016-11-05 Myrgenfeld
Muirenn ingen Chernaig Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-11-05
Allon McBain Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-05 Bardcraft
Annabelle Marie FitzSimmons Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-05 Glass Etching
Wilhelm Meis Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-11-05
Castellana de Andalusia Star of Merit, Order o/t 2016-11-05
Adria Lorelle Kingdom Middle Eastern Dance Champion 2016-10-29
Cera ingen Fhaelain Royal Hunter 2016-10-29 Jason Drysdale I & Margherita I
Nikolina Kerkhoff Award of Arms 2016-10-29
Caterina Giovanni Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Drumming
Donnchadh Beag mac Griogair Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Drumming
Fionnghuala Ruadh inghean Ui Choncobhair Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29
Gassion de Beaumarchais Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Brewing
Gyna Brusadotther Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Herbcraft
Jennette Delesse de Beaumarchais Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Cooking
Kersten Merilainen Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Middle Eastern Drumming
Konrad von Platz Sable Thistle of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29 Leatherworking
Owen Longstrider Sable Crane of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-29
Sofia Patrekieva Award of Arms 2016-10-22
Czina Angielczyka Compass Rose, Award o/t 2016-10-22
Yrsa Haraldsdottir Firebrand of Bjornsborg, Order o/t 2016-10-22
Calvin Tittle Sable Talon of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-22 Rapier Combat
Jean Paul de Sens King's Champion 2016-10-15 Jason Drysdale I
Jerimiah of the Pale Dragons Guardian o/t King's Dream 2016-10-15 Jason Drysdale I (given as King's Hope)
Jerimiah of the Pale Dragons Rising Star of Ansteorra, Award o/t 2016-10-15
Mary Margret of the Pale Dragons Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-10-15 Chivalric Combat
Sheamus of Namron Aquila Aurea of Ansteorra 2016-10-15 Chivalric Combat
Sonja Ryzaja Rose, Order o/t 2016-10-15
Gabriel of Maccuswell County 2016-10-15
Sonja Ryzaja County 2016-10-15
Ekaterina Iadorovna Kharlampieva Court Barony 2014-01-05 Steppes 01/05/2014-01/07/2017